My son wants a new web cam--he wants to use video to chat with his friends. This photo shows our old web cam--it was great in it's day, but now it is about a decade behind the times. We used it with our first computer--when we moved out of state when the kids were young, we used it to keep in touch with the grandparents. We made video phone calls to them and enjoyed the new (then) technology--it was so cool! We had installed a component into the CPU unit of the old computer, and this web cam plugged into the component. This was before the days of USB connections--at least, we didn't have them. Once that computer died, we no longer could use that web cam. When we replaced the computer with a laptop, we couldn't add the necessary component. When we bought the new Dell desktop, we didn't want to put the decade old component into the new CPU. It would be quite simple to just purchase a web cam that has a USB connection--we just haven't done that yet. Now my son wants us to do so. I had forgotten how cool it was to video chat! I guess I will consider buying the family a new web cam soon, but it really isn't a neccesity--we can definitely live without it. And I did discover one thing when we had one--sometimes you DON'T want to be seen when talking to people!! :)
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