Both of my teens are begging for their own cell phones, and I tend to agree with them that they need them now. Last night was a perfect example: I let my son use MY cell phone when he went to the Homecoming Game. My daughter was at her friend's house while he was at the game. After dropping my son off at the game, I went back home and had access to my home phone only. Later, my son called me from my cell phone and asked me to pick him up. I left home, and my home phone, to do so. While I was waiting in the school parking lot, looking in a crowd of hundreds of teenagers for my son, apparently my daughter tried to reach me to ask for a ride home, too. At first she called home--no answer and no one was home. Then she called my cell phone--her brother answered (from the football game) and he did not know where I was at the time. I rode around and around the parking lot searching for my son even though we had agreed on a place to meet when I dropped him off. All I kept thinking is: if we BOTH had cell phones, he could call and tell me where he was and vice-versa, thus saving a lot of confusion and time wasted looking for each other. There have been other occasions when we were with people with cell phones, and calling each other sure cuts down on confusion when looking for people in a large crowd. I don't know HOW our parents put up with all of this when we were teens and only had limited access to pay phones! :) Cell phones have REALLY made a difference in our family--calling while at the grocery to remind someone to get an important ingredient, calling to explain that a traffic jam is making us late (instead of having someone wait and worry needlessly), etc. In times like these, we often wonder--how did we EVER survive without cell phones!! And, of course, there are sometimes emergency situations that can be attended to quickly thanks to calls made from cell phones. They can truly be lifesavers! Once my son FINALLY found me, I told him that I plan on buying him a cell phone SOON because it would just make things SO much easier now that he is getting dropped off and picked up so often these days. I guess he forgot to tell me about my daughter's call on my cell phone, because we returned home and THEN she called me again. I had to get BACK out to pick her up----if she had reached me by cell phone, I could have done that while I was out picking up my son. Yes, I think giving my teens cell phones will make things MUCH easier on ME! :) They will enjoy being able to talk to their friends, but I will immensely enjoy being able to stay connected and not go through the confusion that we did last night. Thank God For Cell Phones! :)
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