My son really enjoys watching the show "Mythbusters." Even though the experiments they perform are very entertaining, viewers can learn a lot about physics and other scientific concepts in the process. I have watched some of them and, while I'm not into them as much as he is, sometimes they do something that peaks my interest. When he and his friend did the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment, they had recently seen it done on this show. So--shows on Discovery Channel that are both entertaining and educational--you just can't go wrong! There are more of these kind of shows--one is called "Dirty Jobs"--and he likes them all. As long as he is safe, he can try SOME of these at home--but not ALL! There are some that should only be done by professionals! I'm glad to see his mind churning as he takes in all of the information. I think one time he answered a question correctly in science class because he had learned it on
"Mythbusters"! :)
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