We usually don't pay for grades around here, but we were SO proud of their extra effort and SO excited about our upcoming plans that we decided to do so this time. Not only do my teens deserve a reward for their hard work at school, but they have also worked very hard at home to get ready for our move to Florida. It isn't easy for teenagers to keep their rooms cleaned anyway--and then, to keep them in great shape at all times in case potential buyers want to see the house--it makes things extra tough. They have been very helpful around the house lately--I thought they deserved to be rewarded for their effort. Plus, I am VERY proud of them for their good grades--I think they also deserve a reward for their efforts at school. Boy were they happy! :) If this hard work and effort continues--and if we continue to receive good news about our new lives in Florida (i.e. extra money, too!)--then we can continue to reward them in the near future. I don't want to spoil them, but things have been very tight around here lately because of the delay in our move and other circumstances. It feels good to finally be able to have a little breathing room in the financial department. I want them to develop a good work ethic, and getting paid to work is a big part of that. Volunteering is also valuable, but earning a paycheck--it really teaches a LOT about the working world. I want them to earn their own money and make decisions about how to spend it--that is teaching them what they need to know in adulthood. NO handouts there--one must earn their own way in life. So this is our way of getting it started--paying them for their hard work and effort. They certainly appreciated it, and I think they will continue to work hard in the future. When hard work pays off, it is a very good feeling! :)
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