My son went to his first Homecoming Game last night. He wore school colors and rooted for his team. He had fun, but he just wasn't as into it as he would be if: a) we had already moved to Florida and he was attending the school he REALLY wants to attend and b) he definitely wants to be in the marching band next year. Seeing the band play was a reminder of what he was missing this year. I hate that we had to time our move to Florida so poorly--I REALLY wanted to move in the summer so my son could begin high school in his new school there. I feel bad that we are putting a wrench in his plans for Freshman Year. Having said that--I DO know how tough that first year of high school is, and it would be tough no matter HOW we did it. So if he can just make it through this transition, he should be able to begin a new school--and stay there until graduation--once we move. In the meantime, I am glad that he is able to participate in some of the rites of passage of high school, such as having fun during Homecoming Week and going to the Homecoming Game. He can enjoy some of these things now--and then he can enjoy them again once we move. I imagine his heart will be more into it when he is representing a school that he can truly be proud to attend. He is really looking forward to being a student in his new high school in Florida. And if remember correctly, Junior and Senior Year are the MOST enjoyable years of high school, anyway--and he will DEFINITELY be in Florida by then. Freshmen are busy learning how to be high schoolers and sophomores seem to have the "middle child syndrome"--Juniors are "almost Seniors"--and of course, Seniors "rule the school"! :) It is an interesting experience to watch these stages from the perspective of a parent--I remember those days well from my own high school days. I have really enjoyed watching my son experience high school, even though I am watching "from afar." He seemed to have fun at his first Homecoming Game--just three more of those to go before it's all over! It won't be long before I am writing about his LAST high school Homecoming Game during his Senior Year! :)
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