We are in the process of packing everything we own and preparing to move to our new lives in Florida. It is NOT a fun process! Yes, we are excited about moving--but the list of things to do before we go is immense! My teens have packed, unpacked, and repacked their things several times. They think they won't need something, pack it away and seal the box, then later decide they need it and frantically open their boxes searching for the needed item. Later, they repack everything again, only to repeat the process when looking for the next missing item. We are living out of boxes and suitcases right now, and it is a pain in the butt! We can't wait to complete this move--it has been a very long and drawn out process. We have moved several times before, but it never dragged out as long as it is this time. I really wanted to make this a smooth transition, but it has been a lot bumpier than planned. I know my teens are very flexible and resilient--they will be okay through this--but still, I wish that there was something I could do to make this go smoother. I am doing the best that I can, so I shouldn't feel guilty. In the meantime, I guess we better get used to living out of boxes for a while. At least we know that there IS a rainbow at the end of the journey--one day we WILL unpack and settle into our new lives in our new home. And then, in a few years, they will grow up, graduate from high school, and leave home--and the process of moving will begin again. I guess life IS about changing and moving on to new stages and places--the new things in life are great, but the transition isn't always easy. Right now, we are completely enveloped in the transition stage---we cannot wait to get past it and into the new stage of our new lives! :)
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