Spring Break--those words take on different meanings depending on who you are. To us, it just means a week out of school, which means a week to sleep in and relax. We weren't able to plan a vacation of any kind this year--last year we went to Florida to make our plans to move. We had a great time--we went to Disney World, we went to Cocoa Beach, we found a place to live, we looked at schools, etc. We were SO ready to move by the time spring break was over. Here we are, a year later, and NOTHING has happened! It is SO depressing! The housing market is KILLING us and killing our dreams, too. We are still trying to find a way to move this summer no matter what--but the truth is, we REALLY need to sell our house here in order to be free to do so. The house we used to love is now becoming a huge stumbling block standing in our way. If we went anyway, turned off the utilities and only had the mortgage to pay, it would still be tough on us financially. I guess we should just be grateful that we CAN pay the mortgage--it is TOUGH, but we are doing it. I just hope we can continue to do so--move or no move. It seems so wrong that a house is the only thing standing in our way, but it really is true. We feel SO stuck! This darn mortgage crisis--this bad economy--this recession--it is awful, isn't it? We feel lucky that we are staying afloat and not sinking, but we sure aren't moving forward, either. Anyway--no money for vacation until the house sells--plus, we don't want to vacation in Florida anymore--we want to LIVE there!! Spring Break for us this year was just a reminder of our dilemma--last year we had so much hope and promise--this year, we are becoming more and more discouraged. At least my teens were somewhat satisfied with having time out of school, sleeping late, and playing the Nintendo Wii--it doesn't compare to what we THOUGHT we would be doing this year during spring break as residents of Florida, but it wasn't all bad. As summer approaches, I am sure that we will feel the same way--if we can't hurry up and close the door on our lives here and open a new one in Florida soon, I don't think we can stand it much longer! Spring Break--a reminder that summer is around the corner. Someone PLEASE buy our house so that we can move forward in our lives instead of stagnating and moving backwards--PLEASE!!
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