My son and daughter both ride buses to school--his arrives around 6:45 am and hers arrives around 7:45 am. They really have their own "getting ready" time--he gets up around 6:15 and is on the bus before she wakes up--she get up and gets ready around 7:15. BUT--sometimes her hair isn't "just right" or she has a "fashion emergency" and she gets delayed. She has missed the bus a few times due to this--I am NOT happy when this happens. My mother reminded me that I did exactly the same thing when I was a teenager--I was late a lot due to hair/makeup/wardrobe issues. Guess it is just a "teen thing"--now it's payback for me! It has only happened a few times--I think she gets the message that she needs to get up earlier or prepare more things the night before. Still, a "bad hair day" can happen now matter how prepared she may be! I prefer that they ride the bus whenever possible--the cost of gas makes it an expensive endeavor to drive them to school these days. So I guess I'll continue my mantra--"HURRY! DON'T MISS THE BUS"!!
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