My mother--my son's grandmother--found a Nintendo Wii bundle and bought it! We discussed this on the phone--she knew how much my son had wanted one--I suggested that she put it away until December. Apparently, she was so excited about finding one that she just couldn't do that. She commented that she knows some older people her age that have them, too. The next thing I know, she is calling my son and telling him that she found one for HER, but that he could "borrow" it some time if he wanted! Uh...ok. A little strange but I guess it makes sense. Of course, he wanted to "borrow" it immediately, and she let him--he opened a brand new box and was the first to play it. Since his spring break was coming, she said that he could use it during that time. My daughter even got in a little playtime on it--she kind of likes it, but not like he does. Long story short--it is still "grandma's Wii"--after spring break, she asked for it back. She played it a bit, but she isn't crazy about it. She may let my son "borrow" it back on the weekends--sounds like a custody agreement, huh? You get it on holidays and weekends, I get it the rest of the time--crazy, huh? I highly suspect that my mother will "give up her rights" to the Wii in the future--probably sometime around December. I don't know--this seems a bit odd if you ask me--I think she should have waited--of course, my son would disagree--he is THRILLED to have access to a Wii NOW, not later! Grandparents--they still find a way to spoil the grandkids no matter how old they are, don't they?
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