In keeping with the career choices topic, I thought this survey was interesting. I am assuming this encompasses both males and females equally--I hope that we are way past the male/female dominated career biases at this point. I say that because, even in my teens, it was common for girls to say: teacher, nurse, and mother--and not much else. I hope my daughter feels more freedom in her career choices--she and her peers can truly do anything they want to do and be anything they want to be. Anyway--this survey supposedly shows what today's teens dream of doing one day. It sounds about right--my teens and their friends have named several of these as their possible career choices. They also talk about wanting to make a lot of money--some of these would probably result in that, but some definitely would not. As much as I understand the goal of financial success, I want to stress to them that being happy, and possibly being in service to others, is much more important. It is a shame that some of the best careers are paid the least money. Still, I would much rather see them happy and making a decent living than miserable and wealthy--yes, it CAN happen. If someone is a wealthy lawyer but finds themselves hating what they do for a living--that is a miserable wealthy person. I think choosing a career that makes you happy instead of a career that makes you rich is a much better option. But sometimes you end up with both! :)
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