From what I remember from my teen years and what I observe in my two teens, being in love when you are young is vastly different from mature love. They seem quick to say the words "I love you" but are far from ready to truly commit to someone. Young love means: I really like being with you, I want to be with you often, and I really enjoy talking to you as much as possible. There is a sweet innocence to it at this point--love notes are written, hearts are drawn with initials inside, love is declared on the phone, and small gestures such as hugs and kisses are shared. If only it could stay this innocent until they were ready for the next step, everything would be fine. Unfortunately, teens often jump into committed relationships and intimacy way before they are ready. I am watching my teens as they enter the innocent stage, and I am fearing the next stage. We have talked about many things and will continue to do so. I have told them about protecting themselves, both physically and emotionally. I truly worry about their emotional well-being as much as their physical well-being. I worry about broken hearts or getting too serious when they are too young as much as I worry about other things. Right now, my teens are still in that innocent stage--they seem to be enjoying it and I enjoy watching it from afar. I know it WILL move into the next stage--I just hope it goes very slowly and doesn't arrive until they are truly mature enough to handle it. Until then, they are both experiencing "love" on a more innocent level--I hope it stays that way a long, long time!
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