My daughter did not feel comfortable going to her teacher's funeral, but my son wanted to go to his teacher's funeral. He asked me to drop him off and pick him up later. He sat with his friends and fellow students. It was sad. They are still wondering how that particular class will be now that their teacher is gone. They have had a lot of substitute teachers in there, and now they may have a new teacher coming. They say that it just won't be the same--this teacher will truly be missed. I think they are having a learning experience that they never expected--about life and death and one's purpose on earth. I hope they learn and grown from this experience. I hope they find their individual purpose in life and apply it every day. I hope they begin to understand how fragile life is and how one must live each day, one day at a time. This teacher passed on more lessons than he ever intended--his life and death was very meaningful to his students.
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