Now that I have teenagers, holidays are very different for us. We used to do all of the things like dye Easter eggs, have Easter egg hunts, have Easter baskets full of goodies, dress in new Easter outfits, attend church, and eat out for a nice Easter dinner that usually included photos with the Easter Bunny. Now, we have breakfast together, dress casually, go to a contemporary church service, and eat a steak and baked potato dinner together. It just isn't the same! I sometimes miss the "good old days"--still, I am enjoying our new traditions and way of life. I had years of being Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny--it was so much fun! But time is moving on and everything is changing--old traditions are now outgrown and new ones must be created to replace them. And then, in the future, they will change yet again! Whenever I see a small boy or girl enjoying something that my teens have outgrown, I smile and feel nostalgic for a minute, then I realize that everything is as it should be. I had my time with young kids and it was wonderful--now I have my time with teens and I need to make it wonderful, too--different, but just as wonderful. And sometimes I think--one day, maybe I will have grandchildren and then I can do some of these things again with them! :)
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