My daughter spent some time at her grandmother's house last weekend. This is my mother and she lives just down the road from us. We have lived in different places over the years, and my parents seem to follow us during many of these moves. There have been other times, in other cities and states, that my parents have also lived right down the road. We have talked about our upcoming move to Florida--my parents are considering moving, too. Wherever we go, they seem to follow! But this time, they may live in a retirement community about an hour away from where we will be. That sounds about right--close enough to visit often but not all up in our business--KWIM? Now that my teens are older, they aren't as anxious to share everything about their lives with their grandparents. My parents are having hard time letting go--especially my mother. She just doesn't understand when my teenage daughter doesn't want to hang out with her grandmother so much anymore. She still loves her dearly, but things are changing. The generation gap is widening--they don't like the same things and it is becoming an issue. I think they had a nice visit, but it is very different now compared to when she was younger. We all have to prepare to let go as my teens grow up--both parents and grandparents. It isn't an easy adjustment, but it is for the good of everyone. We are so proud of them and are glad to see them grow up so well, even though we sometimes miss the children they used to be.
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