My son loves to shop at Game Stop. He usually is only able to buy things when he has birthday or Christmas money, but he still likes to look and get ideas for the next time he has some money. Right now, he not only is out of money, but he is going to owe some money on phone bills. Needless to say, he won't be buying games for a while. Still, he loves to just look around. I let him do that while I went to the grocery store. I picked him up afterward, and of course he wanted to tell me about the latest and greatest games and game systems. I just quietly listened, but I couldn't help but think that he is going to be out of luck on this for a while. We have come to a point in life where I am not sure if I will be purchasing many more video games for him--he will be 16 on his next birthday, and I think, at that point, he should get a job to pay for these things. When he does begin working, driving, dating, etc., I am almost positive that he will think of better things to spend his money on than video games! I am nearing a time where I won't know what the latest and greatest games are--he will soon be grown and I will NOT be purchasing video games for my grown son! To be honest, I am kind of ready to leave this all behind--it started when he was 5 and received his first Game Boy--he got a few games for that in the next few years--then a Nintendo 64 when he was 7--more games--Game Boy Color when he was 8--more games--PS2 when he was 11--more games--Nintendo DS when he was 13--more games. If he gets anything else, I think it should be out of his pocket--and I'm not sure if he will want to do that or not. The time has come for the video game gifts to stop! Enough is enough! In the next few years, he will need his own computer, he might want an updated I-pod, and he will definitely want an updated cell phone. I would much rather spend money on those things than on video games! So son, shop all you want, but know this--video games are something you have to purchase yourself now. And I can bet that, once you have to spend your own money, you won't think they are so worth it anymore!
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