I'm not sure why, but we sometimes enjoy watching this show, too. Most of the time, the kids are much younger than my teens--we are way past the "naughty chair" stage! I will say one thing--my kids weren't perfect when they were younger, but it all went fairly smoothly with no really big issues. Yes, we had to deal with tantrums--but not THAT often. Yes, we had to deal with pacifiers, potty-training, and bedtime issues--but it eventually all worked out. The number one thing I gather from watching this show is this: thank goodness it all went fairly well--and thank goodness we are past all of those stages!! Families with young children may look at my life with two teenagers as a nightmare--they may not want to even THINK about that stage yet! I have to admit, I was that way--I was terrified of the teen years!! But now that I am here, it isn't so bad--YET! I am always waiting for the "other shoe to drop" so to speak! But, based on my day-to-day life, I have to say that raising teenagers is MUCH easier than raising toddlers/preschoolers/young children. Watching this show just makes me really glad to be past that stage!! Yes, the kids are precious--I sometimes miss that darling stage--but only for a moment, then I hear the screams and see the exhausted parents frazzled and drained--and suddenly I don't miss it so much after all! If I could just tell them one thing--do a good job now, and it REALLY does get better--a LOT better!! But in the meantime, try to enjoy every minute you can with your little ones--I promise you that they will be bigger than you much sooner than you expect them to be!! I still cannot believe that my tiny dynamos are bigger than me now--it happened so fast!!!
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