My son has been asking me to let him drive more--he has had his driver's permit for over two months now and I have only let him drive a few times. I know I need to let him do more driving--it is just a scary thing! BUT--if he is to receive his drivers license next year, he needs a lot of practice. I think he is suppose to drive for at least 50 hours or more this year. I need to let him get going on this or he will never reach that amount of hours! Keeping this in mind, I let him drive from our house to his friend's house a few times this week. I guess it totaled about an hour of driving--and he has about an hour or so behind him--so 2 hours down, 48 to go! I know we can get in 48 hours within the next 10 months, but I just have to remember to let him drive more often. It is very hard to get into that habit--I have been driving HIM around for 15 years and it is so hard to get used to letting HIM have the keys! It was the weirdest feeling to go to the car and let HIM get into the driver's seat the first time--it still feels weird! I can't seem to get rid of the image of my little boy pretending to drive all those many years ago--I have great videos of him driving things like Power Wheels and other toy cars. And now, here he is, all grown up and wanting to drive a REAL car!! Logically, I know it is a good thing. Emotionally, I am having a tough time seeing him as "a real driver"!! I will try to work on this and give him some more driving lessons and time behind the wheel! :)
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