My son has meetings every Thursday night with one of his clubs from high school. These meetings usually run from about 6:30 to 9:30 pm--he needs a ride to and from these meetings every Thursday night. His Dad and I both like to watch our favorite shows on Thursday night and have figured out a good way for us to watch our shows and provide rides for our son. I drop him off at 6:30 and return home--we eat dinner--I watch "Ugly Betty" and he watches "Survivor"--he leaves to pick our son up--I watch "Grey's Anatomy." Eveyone gets to see their favorite shows, our son gets his rides, and everyone is happy. Our "tag team"--I drop off, you pick up--works well for us--we do this on other days as well. Still, I find myself really looking forward to the day that our son can drive himself to and from these places! :)
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