My daughter was very embarrassed because she had her first pimple the other day, and it was right in the middle of her forehead. She was mortified! Her brother has tackled acne the past few years, and now she is beginning to have breakouts, too. She immediately began to cleanse her face with Stridex and put acne medication on it. I tried to convince her to leave it alone after that, but she was obsessed with it and kept trying to scrub it away. That just made it redder and more noticeable! Finally, I convinced her to try to leave it alone--and a few days later, it was gone. I don't know if she will have acne like her brother or an occasional pimple, but it can really wreak havoc on a teen's self-esteem. My son's acne seems a LOT better lately--I think he has passed the worst part and is beginning to outgrow it--it never was a severe case. I never really had acne as a teen--just an occasional pimple--and I STILL get those!! :( Actually, I had one when my daughter did, so I think she listened to me because I was the "voice of experience." Darn those clogged pores!! Anyway, she was SO happy to wake up one day and see that it was gone--she felt so much better about herself. Amazing how things like that can truly hurt a teen's inner self esteem. Thanks, Stridex--you really helped!
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