I want to brag about my teens and how proud I am of them--they seem to be doing well with the balancing of things in their lives. They are working hard and doing well in school, and they are living very active and productive social lives as well. So far, I have not seen them get too out of balance in these arenas--their active social lives have not affected their grades. I am very glad to see this--I was worried about it in the past, but I think they are learning to be much more independent about this than they used to be. They never really were "over scheduled kids"--I made sure they had plenty of "down time" to just hang out and be kids when they were younger. Now that they are older and maintain their own social calendars, they are doing well with planning things in a way that does not conflict--everything is balancing out quite well. They are living "balanced lives"---that makes things run much smoother! :)
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