My son attended several events with his clubs from school where he passed out candy to children and helped with fall festivals and other events. He brought home these candy bags and shared some leftover candy with his sister. They also refilled them with more candy when they helped the neighborhood kids at our block party and Trick-or-Treating. Later they sorted it all out and tossed aside the rejects (things they didn't like)--they gave some of that candy to some neighborhood kids. And I have to admit--I did sneak of few things for myself, too! :) I guess everyone likes candy, no matter how old they are! :) So my teens participated in Halloween this year--but I don't know how things will be once we move. This may be their last time--it will be their last time in this neighborhood. It's been fun and we will miss it, but we look forward to doing some new and different things in the future. Happy Halloween! :)
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