My teens both received huge suitcases a few years ago--they needed them for all of their upcoming trips because they always bring a lot of stuff. They are in the process of packing now, and it amazes me how much they always want to bring along with them. Lots of clothes, plus a lot of other "stuff" that they think they will need. They usually end up bringing a lot more than I do, that's for sure. I think these suitcases will last them until they leave home for college (or whatever plans they make for after graduation). I can see it now--their stuffed suitcases, a backseat full of all their worldly possessions, driving off into the sunset to start their own lives--it is hard to imagine, but this is right around the corner for them. As I watch them pack their things now, I see visions of that day in the future--it will be bittersweet for me. I will miss them terribly, but I will be excited to see them go (for them AND me). I am currently reading a book called "Beyond the Mommy Years"--it is about preparing for the day they leave and the role of "Mommy" changes forever. It is already changing--I'm not the same mother now that I was when they were younger. The role is always transforming. One day in the near future, I will be "mother of two adults"--and that role will look nothing like the role I am in now. I want to enjoy this stage now, "mother of two teenagers," as much as I can because I know it is a very short-lived role. I was "mother of babies," "mother of toddlers," "mother of preschoolers," and "mother of young children"--these stages put together lasted a very long time. But the stage of "mother of teenagers" doesn't last quite as long--just when I get adjusted to this new stage, it will be time to move on to the next one. Watching them pack their belongings now makes me think about the day they will pack everything they own--I am truly glad that the time has not yet arrived, but I am preparing myself everyday for the inevitable. They will grow up--they will leave--and I will enter a new stage in life. It won't be all bad!
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