My daughter loves this song, and apparently she is living it, too. If that boy that broke her heart thinks he is irreplaceable, he better think again! My daughter is already swooning over another boy now--she took all of her photos of the "ex" and replaced them with photos of the "new guy." I think it is still in the stage of "he's SO cute!" I'm just glad that she isn't letting her heart feel broken for long! As long as she is still in the very early stages of dating, it seems to be very light-hearted and easy-going. When one person is tired of the other, they both move on to someone new. No serious heartbreak yet--just lots of flirting and noticing all of the cute boys who could be potential new crushes. I sure wish I could keep everything so light-hearted for her, but I know that true love is coming one day. For now, it seems to be fun and games, and lots of "puppy love"! :)
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