My daughter watched a movie the other day that was about time travel. It reminded me of the Back to the Future movies. The idea is almost always: if you could go back and change things about your past, would you? Sometimes I think I would do some things differently, but many things would remain the same. If we could only go back with the wisdom and experience we have now--if we could only go back and experience the good things but not the bad--if we could only tweak things a bit and make a few changes but leave some things the same--there are a lot of "if only" stipulations, aren't there? But, of course, none of it is possible. We can never undo the past and never have "do overs" in life. However, I think that we can sometimes recapture old dreams and maybe make a go of them in a different way and different time frame. While cannot go back and retrace our steps exactly, maybe we can find a way to merge back on to the path that we left years ago. The dreams we fulfill won't look exactly as they would have back then, but they could be in the same "ballpark." We can't go back, but we CAN take our past experiences and apply them to our future. It isn't the same, but it can make a profound impact on the path we take into the future. I hope my teens do all they can to build their future in a way that leaves few regrets--and if there are some things they wish they could change, I hope they find a way to do so. And when they can't, I hope they will accept what life brings them and move on. What is that saying: "Grant me the power to change the things I can, the strength to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference"? We cannot change the past, but we can change the course of our future. Going back in time in impossible, but using the knowledge and experience we gained from the past can truly make changes in our future. I hope my teens always move forward instead of backward! :)
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