My teens took our dog to a dog park the other day. It isn't often that they take her on long walks--they usually let her run around the yard and neighborhood a bit. They seemed to enjoy watching her check things out along the way. It was cold, but the sun was shining and it was a nice day to be outside. They really seem to enjoy spending time with the dog. I still have no idea how this will all work out when we move. We recently had an issue where we were going to stay in a hotel, but no pets were allowed. We had to make other arrangements. This could become a real issue in our future. Where we are now, and the lifestyle we have now, all works out for pet ownership. In the future, it may not work out so well. I am trying to decide exactly what to do about this. We MAY be able to let the dog live with relatives and we would visit her on occasion. I had three dogs when I was a child and teen--all three died rather young (one was ill, the other two were run over!). I never had a dog that lived for years and years. I am not a big pet person--this dog belongs to my teens. I just don't know how we are going to work it out. We cannot plan our lives around this dog--we cannot miss out on opportunities because of this dog. I don't think it is cruel to say that pet ownership worked in one situation, but not in another. If we cannot take the dog with us, I will be sure to arrange a very loving and humane home for the dog. As far as the dog is concerned, she will miss us but will be happy in her new home. As far as my teens are concerned, I'm just not sure. My daughter is fine with it--she is ready to get to Florida and isn't too worried about the dog. She enjoys time with the dog, but she doesn't want to arrange her life around it. My son is more attached--he wants to bring the dog when we move. I am trying to figure it all out--the dog is 3 years old--my son leaves home in about 3 years, when the dog is 6 years old. We will have to deal with this again at that point if the dog end up moving with us to Florida. Here, there is also the option of returning the dog to the farm where she was born. I think the breeders have several of her siblings there. She does seem to really enjoy being around other dogs--especially other labs. I wonder if letting her go back to her "dog family" would be best for her? I wonder if moving her to Florida, keeping her cooped up in a small apartment all day long with no yard, and having little interaction with a busy family would truly be in her best interest? If we end up moving with her, I think it would be a less than ideal situation for her. Here, we have a big yard and a lot of room. There, we won't. Here, I am currently home all day to let her outside. There, I won't be. She will be indoors all day. I think it might be selfish to put her in that situation just so they can keep the dog. And in a few years, they will be leaving--what about the dog then? Right now, my son is determined to move the dog. He isn't thinking long term, and he isn't thinking about the situation that the dog would be in there--he just wants his dog. I want him to be happy, but there are other things to consider. For now, they can enjoy time with the dog--I just don't know what we will do in the future.