My son and his father have been "butting heads" a lot lately. I know my son is trying to assert himself as a man, but this doesn't set well with the HEAD man of the house. My son is getting braver about things, too--he cowers less and sneers more. He is still semi-respectful, but he hates to back down. His dad, on the other hand, is determined to assert himself as the leader--he wants to always be in control. It truly feels like two bucks fighting it out sometimes--in the end, no one really wins, they just end up with locked horns (or antlers). I think it is normal for an adolescent boy to push his limits as far as he can--but now he has to deal with things man-to-man when it comes to his father. I hope they make it through this tough period with their relationship intact. I try to stay out of most of it--you don't see many does getting in between two bucks fighting--it isn't safe. All in all, he is a good boy and he rarely pushes too far--but he is growing up, and he wants to be seen as his own man, not a boy. It will all happen soon enough!
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