Well, it's a lot different than it was when they were kids. We used to be really into the whole pilgrim and indian theme, and they always made handprint turkeys every year. Now, it's all about eating, saying a quick thank you for things, and getting back to chatting with or talking to friends. As for the "thankfulness," I do think they are grateful for many things, and they do actually use the word "Thanks" on a fairly regular basis--however, I think teens take a lot of things for granted that they will appreciate much more when they are older. As for me, I am truly thankful that my teens are good people who have been fairly well behaved during their teen years--so far!! It's still early in the game, but we haven't had to deal with MAJOR problems yet--I only hope our luck continues to hold out. I know that teens can choose a bad path even with good parenting--crossing my fingers that mine stay on a good path for years to come! :)
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