My daughter and I went to the library to return some books that were due back. I realized that I am, indeed, a "bookworm"--I LOVE to check out around 20 books each time I go to the library! And two of MY favorite stores are Borders and Barnes and Noble--I could spend HOURS in both of those places! My teens have only partially inherited my love of books and reading--when they were younger, it was much more defined. They were both early readers who loved to read Dr. Seuss books. They went through the various reading levels fairly quickly and moved into chapter books. Not too many years ago, they were into the Harry Potter books, Captain Underpants books, and other book series. But as puberty approached, I noticed that their love of reading began to fade. They had to read more and more for school, but they soon were reading less and less for pleasure. Now, their non-school related reading has been down-sized to things such as magazines and advice books/book of lists. Even though they see me reading nearly constantly about many different subjects, my "bookishness" is not rubbing off on them anymore. I guess it is just a stage they are going through--at least I hope so. As they mature and move into different life stages, I hope to see them reading again--I hope they return to the "bookworm" roots of their youth! :)
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