Everyone who knows my daughter well agrees--she is most definitely going through a "Boy Crazy" stage right now. Wherever we go and whatever we do, the first and most important thing to her is "Will there be any cute boys there?"!! She notices boys everywhere we go--she giggles and blushes when she sees any that she thinks are cute. She is too shy to talk to them or acknowledge them in any way--YET! I remember being like this at her age, too--and get more than one teenage girl together and the boy craziness multiplies tremendously!! I often observe the process--she sees a cute boy, she looks his way, he looks back, she turns around and is beet red and giggles, she walks away. It is really cute--at this stage anyway!! I guess there's no fighting it--I just have to keep a SHARP eye on her, though. I know that there are many boys who are on the prowl--and they often aren't as sweet and innocent as she is. I sure hope I can get her to understand this and to stand up for herself if trouble occurs. I want her to be a confident young woman who doesn't put up with anything less than what she deserves--I hope she will be strong in the face of all of this. I'm all for her liking boys, I just wish she wasn't quite so "boy CRAZY"!!
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