This was one thing on my son's wish list for his 15th birthday--almost everything else on the list cost a lot more, so this was the best bet based on price. However, it was also the one thing that was impossible to find--one day I made it my mission to try every store I could within about 30 miles. I hit about 30 stores--NONE had the Wii. Shopped on line--all are "sold out." Called around and did internet research--no luck. This is the Cabbage Patch Kid/Tickle Me Elmo of the season--demand far exceeds supply and people line up for hours/days to get a chance to possibly get one. The closest I came to finding one was at a local Game Stop--they had 3 a few days before I came in and sold them within 10 minutes as soon as they arrived. WalMart was encouraging--keep checking back between 10 and 2--Tuesdays were the best bets--sometimes get 15 or 20 but they usually sell out within an hour. Sounds to me like a total crap shoot--just have to be at the right place at the right time. Finding a Wii seemed about as likely as winning the lottery--pick the right numbers on the right day and often "just barely missed it." Oh well--I exhausted myself one day and gave up--it was time to look at other things on his wish list. One thing he really wanted was a game called Guitar Hero for his PS2. Those were in stock nearly everywhere--that is what I bought. I added a few other things--CDs and movies, a wallet for his i.d. (when he gets his drivers permit), a key ring (for the extra keys to my car), etc. Having a December birthday is tough--close to Christmas, and often it is hard to find things that everyone else wants, too. I wasn't about to shell out the really big bucks for PS3 or XBox--Nintendo Wii is the best priced and the most interactive--IF you can find it!! MAYBE--jusst MAYBE--I'll be lucky to walk into WalMart just as they receive some before Christmas--but I doubt it. I think Wii will roll over to next year's list--hope it can be found sometime between now and then!
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