We noticed something about today's teenage boys a few years ago when we were visiting my son's school one night. As each boy walked by, we noticed hairstyles that very much reminded us of when we were in school in the 1970s. The number one word I would use to describe today's styles: "shaggy." Some were full and "bushy," and some were long and sleek--but most were simply "shaggy." My son WANTS his hair to look a certain way, but he apparently wasn't blessed with the type of hair that can do what he wants it to do. As time goes by and his hair grows, it doesn't grow long and sleek...it just gets thick and messy. Everytime I see him, I cannot help but think: his hair is overgrown and he needs a haircut! I think I remember a book called "Mop Top" from his childhood that summarizes how I feel: the boy in the story was told that his hair looked like a mop and needed to be cut. When I was in private school growing up, boys had to have their hair cut short enough to be "above the collar." Many boys WANTED the shaggy look, but it was against school rules. My son has grown up getting regular haircuts every few weeks--many times he chose to get a "buzz cut." He truly looks best when his hair is very short--he just doesn't have the kind of hair that grows long and sleek. For the past few years, he has TRIED to grow it out a certain way, but it never grows the way he wants. After a while, he decides to go and get a buzz cut and give up on the shaggy look (after lots of "nagging" from his parents that "he really needs a haircut!"). I have seen SOME boys with longer hair that looks okay, but only certain types of hair will grow that way. So now we are back to a bit of nagging, but we also know that this is HIS decision--his hairstyle should be his choice. One time I think a girl told him that he needed a haircut, and he wanted one that day! I guess we should just be quiet and let him decide when he is ready for a hair cut--but I sure hope he decides to get one soon! Too bad there aren't any school rules about length of hair at his public school! :) He DOES really care about his appearance, but he desperately wants to have a hairstyle that is considered cool. He can't help it that his hair just won't do what he wishes it would! :) I predict a buzz cut coming up very soon...especially if another girl tells him that he would look better with a haircut! :)
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