Homework has changed a lot since I was in high school. My son is allowed to use a scientific calculator, and he is encouraged to use the internet for research. When it comes to writing essays and research papers, they MUST be done on the computer: no handwritten reports are allowed. Technology is no longer optional: it is now a requirement. When our old computer crashed, we felt that we HAD to replace it for school purposes. Yes, we all still use technology during our lesiure time, too...but now it seems that computers, calculators, and other technology have become true necessities. When I watch my teens use these things to do homework and other school projects, I experience flashbacks to how things used to be in "my day." Almost everything was handwritten, the very important things were typed on typewriters, and calculators were absolutely forbidden. My how things have changed! Oh, and remember Liquid Paper and correction ribbon for typewriters? How about the frustration of getting to the bottom of a page and having to rip it out of the typewriter and start all over? I guess it is a very good thing that those days are gone. I just could never have imagined the technology they have now when I was using the latest electric typewriter back then. It really is awesome! Things have developed far beyond what MY imagination could have ever dreamed. The amazing thing is this: someone DID imagine it, then they successfully created products based on those original ideas. I am truly thankful for the inventors and innovators that helped make things easier for us in the world of modern technology. It truly is amazing!
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