My daughter loves her new purse so much that she decided to use it as a book bag for school. It's about the right size if she doesn't have to carry too many books. I have noticed that the older they get, the less "book work" they have: a lot of their work is from notes or from the internet. I am surprised that her notebooks and folders fit in it, but they do. Now that she is allowed to wear makeup to school (something new since her birthday), she carries some of it in her purse. She also carries a brush to freshen up her hair during the day and a wallet for lunch money and drinks. I remember carrying a purse to school at this age, but I don't remember having a book bag. I guess I just carried my books and notebooks and my purse was for everything else. Gone are the days of the huge, rolling backpacks with cute cartoon characters on them! Now she just has to find a way to carry what she needs and still have "style." At least she is happy with this NON-designer bag...even I don't spend outrageous amounts of money on purses/bags just because it is "designer." If she ever gets into all of that, she will have to earn her own money for expensive bags: my guess is that she would rather spend a little money on a "no name" than spend all of her hard-earned money on one bag! I just don't get that...some women spend a big portion of their paychecks on shoes and bags. Hey, I like nice things, too, but not enough to blow a whole paycheck on just a few items. I like to make it stretch a little bit. I hope my daughter inherits my ideas about this: I certainly cannot afford to keep her stocked in designer products. Besides, I like to choose things because I really like them, not because of WHO designed it: I am just as likely to choose a cute, inexpensive purse over a designer one that I don't find as cute. I just don't get it: I have seen some really ugly expensive purses! Umm, no...I WON'T spend a lot of money on an ugly purse just to have the name! I will try to pass this attitude on to my daughter. We can have nice things without breaking the bank! So far, she likes this inexpensive bag and all is well! :)
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