I don't know if most teens like Taco Bell as much as mine do, but I think they could eat there every day and not get tired of it. They always order the same thing: she gets the #8: three soft tacos and a Pepsi; he gets the #9: spicy chicken crunchwrap supreme, a soft taco, and iced tea. It doesn't cost that much, and it is a very fast way to grab dinner when driving to the many meetings and activities that my teens have during the week. We try to eat as many home-cooked meals as possible, but Taco Bell is a good back-up when time is of the essence. I need to find out the nutritional value of what they order, but I think that it is better than some of the other available fast foods. If nothing else, the lettuce, tomato, and cheese in the tacos seems better than other choices. They are both in excellent health and in good shape: they are not overweight and are very active. Still, I want them to develop healthy eating habits...I hope I'm not messing up that plan by overindulging in fast food too often. Many nights we eat chicken and vegetables for our homecooked meals, so they do eat healthy most nights. Honestly, I have considered becoming a vegan, or at least vegetarian, myself, but they have said that they want no part of that. I raised them to be meat-eaters, so I guess I can't go and take that away from them now. But sometimes I wonder...mostly because some of the healthiest people I know are vegans. Maybe I will "convert" to veganism once my kids are grown and on their own. In the meantime, Taco Bell will probably remain one of their favorite fast food restaurants, and I will find myself at the drive-through window many more times. Teenagers and healthy eating: it's a tough mix!
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