Suddenly my daughter is waking up earlier in the morning and taking longer to get ready. Now that she works hard on straighten-ing and styling her hair and applying her makeup each day, she needs more time for her new morning routine. It is amazing how fast this transition occurred: she used to sleep until the last possible minute, throw her clothes on, eat a quick breakfast, and quickly run a brush through her hair before walking out the door. She was much less concerned about her appearance just a few weeks ago: now she cares very much and wants to look her best everyday. I know that there is a boy at school that she likes, so I am sure that caring more about her appearance has something to do with him. I imagine that she will spend more and more time primping in the mirror before leaving each day. I guess the time of teenage girls hogging the bathroom has begun around our house. I can remember having my brother constantly complain about that when we were teens. I admit I did take a lot of time getting ready in the morning--I was tardy a lot of days simply because I wasn't happy with my hair or makeup and wanted to keep working on it (no matter what time it was). At least my teens have their own bathrooms and don't have to fight each other for bathroom time! Ever since my daughter's birthday (when she was given permission to wear makeup to school), she has set her alarm earlier and has been meticulously preparing herself to look her best every day before school. She is beautiful with or without these products, but now she truly looks and acts like a teenager. It is kind of exciting to see her looking more like the young adult that she is becoming--I can see her future is right over the horizon. I still miss my precious "little girl," but I am enjoying getting to know this young woman who can now wear my clothes, share my makeup, and go with me to do other "womanly things" together now. She is truly growing up! :)
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