OK--first of all, I want to say that I do NOT like the style of boys pants riding very low below the waist. This photo shows what it COULD look like...not how my son ACTUALLY wears them. Having said that, I will say that teenage boys HATE tight jeans and LOVE to wear their jeans VERY loose. If something is too tight, it is adamantly rejected--the opposite of how girls' jeans fit, right? Girls' jeans are snug and form-fitting---and boys want their jeans to be as far away from that description as possible. (And most teen girls reject the big baggy look because it is "too boyish.") So my son's jeans are probably a size or two bigger than what he needs simply because he won't wear jeans unless they fit loosely. This is NOT the same as wearing them WAY too big...I've seen that look and I don't get that either. You know how jeans fit right from the dryer? My son always complains that they shrank after being washed because they feel a bit tight when he first wears them. However, by the end of the day, they usually stretch out considerably and nearly fall off of him! When that happens, he MUST wear a belt to avoid having to hold them up all day. This morning, his jeans fit fairly snugly at the waist and he complained about it. I don't know why, but he didn't wear a belt. By the end of the day, yep...he came home holding his pants up at the waist. When he let go, they slid down about as low as in this photo and threatened to go further. He quickly found his belt and put it on, thus solving the issue. I bet he never forgets his belt again, even when he THINKS the jeans aren't loose when he puts them on in the morning! It just takes a bit of embarrassment to solve SOME issues with teens! :)
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