Since my teens just had a day off for Election Day, they were not out of school for Veterans Day. They did do things at school to honor soldiers and veterans, though. All I can think of is this: my son will soon turn 16--he is really showing a lot of interest in joining the military in the future--in just 2 years he will have to register for the Selective Service--he may decide then to go ahead and enlist--I have mixed feelings about it all. I have the utmost respect and honor for our soldiers--they are awesome!! I would be VERY proud to be the mother of a soldier!! Many men in my family have served--they all recommend it highly. There is no money available to my son for his college education--he will have to find a way to support himself. Serving in the military would be a great way to do that. Still--our country is still at war. Of course I am scared about the idea of my son going off to war! I love him so much--and if this is what HE wants to do, then I will stand behind him with pride bursting from my heart. But I will worry about him--what mother wouldn't, right? So, every time I think of our soldiers serving our country, I wonder if my son will be among them in the near future. God Bless Our Soldiers!!
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