WOW! So much has happened, and so much that we WANTED to happen did NOT happen--our family has been on quite a rollercoaster ride for the past few months! NO, we still have not made the move to Florida--things have happened to make that dream an uphill battle that never seems to end. We have been dealing with things like serious illnesses and medical emergencies, several deaths in the family(yes, more than one!), some major financial issues, academic and social upheaval, and lingering emotional distress. While I know that we will survive the tough times and they will make us stronger, I just wish that things would stabilize a bit for a while. It is getting tough to handle so many things happening at once. We are definitely experiencing the concept of "When it rains, it pours!" Sometimes it seems that NOTHING is going right for us these days and EVERYTHING is going wrong! As a mother, I cannot help but feel "motherly guilt"--mostly because I wish my teens didn't have to suffer through this stuff. I WISH I could make things better right now--I WISH I could make the rest of their time "under my wing" as good as I want it to be. In just a few years, they will leave me and fly away on their own. Yes, I am doing everything I can to prepare them for "the real world"--and life in the real world IS full of ups and downs--still, I wish I could make these last few years some of their best! Right now, I don't think they will look back on 2008 as a very good year for us! There have been SOME good things--it hasn't been ALL bad--but it does feel that the bad is outweighing the good lately. Well, I guess I am back here for now--I just wanted to explain where I have been and why. I still love raising two teenagers! :) I love them very much and I enjoy spending time with them! :) I just wish I could make their lives better in the near future. It has been a wild ride around here lately!!
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