My daughter and I went to see High School Musical 3 last weekend. It was pretty good! We have the DVDs of the first 2--kind of wish they had done one more to make it a "true" 4 year experience! But this was a good way to end the series--they graduated, and it also seems that the cast is now ready to move on to new things. Remember when Hairspray came out and they called it "the Grease for today's generation"? I knew that was wrong! I knew that THIS was the "new Grease"--if we are talking about a really popular musical that young teen girls just LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I guess it depends on what you use to compare, but Grease came out when I was a young teen--I went to it over and over, I memorized the songs, I had the album, I had the scrapbook, etc. Hairspray was good, but THIS is the one that teen girls REALLY love!! They will go over and over(although now they know that one day they can own the DVD so that may keep multiple viewings at the theater down)(we only WISH that we could have OWNED the movie Grease and watch it at home when we were their age!!!)--they will own the soundtracks and memorize the songs, they will download the videos and anything they can find about it on the internet--THIS is today's generation's Grease!! While it is true that, in the late 70s, we were fascinated by teen life in the 50s(not sure why!!), I don't think teens today are really into "teen life in the 60s" that was represented in Hairspray. No--they are MUCH more concerned with teen life today!! SO, they really seem to enjoy watching the High School Musical movies--it gives them ideas of how things REALLY can be for them now!! As for part 3, the storyline followed some of the tough decisions that have to be made during Senior Year as teens prepare for adult life in the real world after high school. Yeah, it was a bit sappy--but it was still really cute! Having two teens who are just a few years from this life stage, I actually got teary eyed at some of those "what should I do with the rest of my life" moments!! I know--high school is FAR from perfect for most teens--many go through those years HATING school and DYING to GET OUT!! But I HOPE that my teens are having and will have SOME of the good experiences that can ONLY be experienced in high school! They will be grown adults soon enough--enjoy the end of childhood and have a great time being young! I know--there are a lot of things about adolescence that are NOT fun--I really wouldn't want to experience some of those things again. Still--when will they EVER have such freedom to choose their paths in life? High school, college, young adulthood--so many decisions to be made during these years, and so much fun to be had!! Enjoy being young and free!! i am having a wonderful time watching life through the eyes of young people!! It is really a joy!!
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