While I was out shopping, I found a great deal on a new digital camera for myself, too! I did a lot of research, and I decided that I wanted a Canon. I couldn't afford most of them, but I found some that were reasonably priced and had received great reviews. Maybe one day I can get the Rebel, but for now, the PowerShot will do! My purpose for upgrading MY camera was two-fold: one, my Sony Cybershot is from 2003 and was only 3 mp and two, my son said that he would be happy with my Sony if I ever upgraded to a new camera for myself. This kind of rounded out everything: between birthdays, Christmases, and other occasions, my teens have now received just about everything they think they need regarding "teen technology." Now they both have good cell phones(with cameras), good digital cameras, good mp3 players, portable dvd players, stereos, cd players, etc. They have access to our two family computers. They have access to things like PS2, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Wii. They have access to satellite television. Basically, they have almost everything that they THINK they need! They will always WANT more, but they are doing pretty good right now! Maybe in the future, things like laptops, cars, and other more expensive items will be on their list--and MAYBE they will get some of them--but, for now, they are doing pretty well. So, getting a better camera for me meant giving my son my Sony Cybershot--he is happy about that, and so am I! And my daughter is perfectly happy with her new camera, too, so all is well. Now, if they don't want ME to take their picture, hopefully they will take pictures of themselves and I can copy them from the computer! :) I have had pretty good luck documenting their teen years this way. If I get out my camera, they go running--they don't want to pose for me! BUT--they seem to LOVE to take photos of themselves and their friends--and they upload them onto the family computer--and I copy and paste them into MY picture folders! THAT is how you can get good photos of your teens! :) Still, I may sneak a few in when they aren't looking, and I do take a LOT of photos of all of their teen stuff around the house. I just LOVE documenting their lives this way--I think ONE day that they will appreciate it(far into the future!).
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