So, now that my son is 16, many people think that it is time to go car shopping. But the reality is, we just cannot afford to do so right now. Hopefully in the future, but not any time soon. I have to admit that I felt bad about that--not guilty, because it is what it is...money is very tight right now, but I had a hard time deciding what would make a really good present for a very important birthday--and not break the bank! My son kind of guided me in the direction he wanted to go in--he made a list of things that he liked. There were some things on the list such as video games and consoles that I did not want to do--he has enough of those already. That didn't seem special enough. He also wanted to upgrade his cell phone and mp3 player--but he wanted the top of the line stuff! And, he would like to have his own computer, but I am still using a laptop with a broken screen hooked up to an old monitor--um...if anyone needs a new computer, it would be me! So there were a lot of things on his list that were just way over budget and we just can not get them right now. And the idea of a car--we put that out of his mind months ago and told him bluntly that we just cannot afford to do that right now--so he didn't even ask.
BUT--one thing that was on his list was a new electric guitar. He had one from when he was younger, but it was very small and simple. Last year, he bought a bass guitar with his birthday and Christmas money. He plays that thing constantly, and he is really getting pretty good on it. This year, he wanted to upgrade his electric guitar(not the bass)--he wanted to learn to play some of the songs that he really likes, and what he had was just not working. We looked through a catalog and he showed me some things that he liked. We also went to a music store and he showed me some things--it reminded me a lot of when he was young and in the toy store, but this time he was oohing and aahing over instruments. His taste in "toys" have definitely changed--and so have the pricetags!! But I learned a bit about the world of musical instruments--there are the big name brands that cost a lot of money, and there are off brands that are made cheaply and cost less--and then there is a group of instruments in the middle that are made by the same big name companies as the expensive brands, but are made under a different name and cost a lot less. Apparently, in the world of guitars, the most expensive guitars are under the brand name Gibson. I think many professional musicians have Gibsons. We cannot affford a Gibson. Then, I think Gibson makes a brand named Les Paul--also over our budget. Finally, Gibson makes a brand named Epiphone. The name may not be as well known, but it is made by the famous parent company, Gibson. So, buying an Epiphone is essentially buying a Gibson, although I am sure that the materials and handiwork are not as high of quality as a true Gibson. My son knows that we cannot afford a true Gibson, but we can swing an Epiphone. It isn't cheap, but it is MUCH less expensive than a true Gibson guitar--and especially less expensive than a car or many other things that could have been on his list!
So, that is what we bought our son for his birthday: an Epiphone electric guitar. The one we bought him comes with an amp and other accessories. The guitar, plus some cell phone minutes, were all we could afford--and it wasn't cheap! While I was feeling a bit down because I am used to buying lots of birthday presents instead of just one, my son was thrilled to death with his one present! I kept telling him, if love were money I would buy you everything on your list AND a car, but reality made that impossible. I don't know what I was worried about--he was truly on cloud nine about his guitar!! I know, I know--it's the thought that counts and all of that. And there are many families who are having a tougher time than we are--I know that for certain. And we never were the kind of family who could throw expensive elaborate parties and buy luxury cars for our teens like they do on MTV--that has ALWAYS been way above OUR heads!! But still--I was hoping to at least purchase an inexpensive used car for my son to drive--just as my parents had done for me when I was 16--but we just can't. Times are tough right now--for almost everyone. As we watch my son's friends turn 16 this year, I wonder who will get their kids a car, and who will not. Many of his friends come from families who seem to be doing better than we are through this recession--but you never know. And it really doesn't matter what "they" are doing--We are doing what WE can during these tough times--that really is all that matters.
My son was VERY VERY appreciative of his new guitar! He told me that he really didn't care about getting a car--that this is what he REALLY wanted! He used his birthday money from relatives to buy some accessories, and he played his heart out! And he is really good! It will take some time for him to really get it all down, but he is a fast learner. One of the things he bought to go with the guitar adds special effects sounds to it--it sounds really awesome! Listening to him play reminds me a lot of the rock bands I liked when I was his age! I know--he still has a long way to go, but he is really quite talented! He has ALWAYS been very interested and talented in music, and he is really beginning to express himself a lot through music. I can't wait to see/hear what he does next! Happy birthday, son! I am very glad that your new guitar makes you so happy! :)
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