Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Father-Son Talk

My son and his father had a long talk about my son's summer plans. Some of it was about working, some about chores, some about dating, etc. Most of it was between just the two of them, so I don't know exactly what was said. After they talked, they seemed to be getting along fairly well. I think it went ok. I just cannot believe that there are only about 3 summers left with my son at home--then he will be going of to college or whatever he plans to do. I am glad they had this "man to man" talk--my son is getting closer and closer to manhood, and he needs to be prepared for it. I am so proud of him!

Let's Go To Florida--NOW!

Now that school is out and summer is here, my daughter has a one-track mind about moving to Florida. She wants to go NOW--she wants to enjoy summer THERE--she hates it here and is so bored HERE--can't we just go NOW, she asks! I am trying--but money is a BIG issue. I sure hope we can get everything in place soon! I want to go, too--and I want to go NOW! :)

Hot Topic

My son went to the mall this weekend with his friends. Apparently, one of their favorite stores at the mall is Hot Topic. He says that they can find cool "band shirts" there. He often wears t-shirts with names of bands that I've never heard of--and he got them from there. I guess this is what is cool to them. As long as there isn't anything offensive on the shirts, I guess it's okay with me. Teeangers have their own sense of style, don't they?

Skating Party

My daughter went to a skating party this weekend. When I dropped her off, her friends were outside and I didn't go in the skating rink. When it was time for me to pick her up, I ended up going inside to find her. Boy, was that a trip back in time for me! OMG--the 70s were THE days of skating rinks, weren't they? Remember things like: couples skates, roller disco, speed skating, and doing the hokey-pokey? What fun!! For a while, I spent every weekend during my teens going to the skating rink! That was the place to be back then! Now, teens are less likely to go very much--I was surprised when my daughter told me about this skating party. It seemed to be mostly girls--not a lot of the "couples skating" and things like that. They had fun, though. And I enjoyed getting a taste of my youth by being in the skating rink--it was cool!

Summer Vacation Begins!

So now my teens are officially on their "Summer Vacation"--they are so happy!! I don't know exactly what the summer holds for them--summer jobs, moving, summer love, etc.--but they are happy about having the whole summer ahead of them. Thye may just spend some lazy summer days sleeping in and doing things around the house--but I hope to see them do some productive things, too. I am working as hard as I can to get this move to Florida underway--wish us luck!!

Celebration Dinner

We went out to dinner to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation. We ate at Olive Garden--it was delicious!! We had a very nice time together as a family--I can't believe how soon our family of four will begin to shrink! I want us to enjoy as much family time together as my teens can stand! I know, they would rather be with their friends--but these nights out as a family are really special. I love them! :)

Freshman to Sophomore

My son was so happy about moving up from the "Freshman Class" to the "Sophomore Class"! I remember those feelings from my own teen years! It gets even better when you move up to the "Junior Class"--and NOTHING is as good in high school as being in the "Senior Class"!! Just 3 more years of high school for him--it is so hard to believe. In just 3 years, he will be in the "Graduating Class of 2011"!! WOW!

Last Day of School

HOORAY! It finally arrived! My teens finally completed their last day of school! Summer has arrived and they could not be happier!! :)

Pizza Party

My daughter's class had a Pizza Party when they finished their final exams. They had fun and listened to music--it was nice to just "chill out" after all of that stress. My son didn't have a party at school, but he was so glad to get out early and to be finished that he didn't care. Instead of being jealous of his sister's party, he was glad that he was able to come home early instead of having to stay at school the entire day!

Last Exam

My teens were so glad to finish those last final exams! My son was able to leave early--around 10 am--after his last exam. They are SO glad that those exams are behind them now!! :)

Last Bus Ride

Since their schedules were a bit different during the last week of school, my teens didn't ride the bus every day. Eventually, they had their last bus rides to their schools--and possibly the last time they will ever have to ride those buses to those schools ever again. There is also a big boundary change around here--if we stay, they may have to change schools and bus routes anyway. They say that they won't miss riding the buses here--not such a great experience. Maybe next year my son will get his license and not have to ride any bus ever again once he can drive to school!

Last Lunch

My teens began counting down all of the "lasts" this week. While we HOPE our move to Florida works out this summer and they won't be going back to their schools here, we still aren't absolutely sure about that. In their minds, they were finishing the year at schools they don't plan to return to in the fall. They both seemed quite happy about that--not much sadness at all. Several things have happened this year to make them dislike living here even more than they did before--and they are now, more than ever, BEGGING us to get moved this summer so that they don't have to return. We are trying very hard--we really are! Anyway--my son had his last lunch at the high school--he had half days after that for the rest of his exams. He says he won't miss the food--it was not very good! He is convinced that EVERYTHING is made with soy--no real meat in anytthing served there. Not sure if it is true, but he is glad to say goodbye to the lunchroom food!

Test Anxiety

Both of my teens had to take final exams during the last week of school. They did not enjoy doing this at all. My son felt that his exams were easier than he expected. My daughter thought hers were harder. They were so glad to get these final exams behind them--it was a stressful week!

Last Week of School

My teens began the last week of school with a not-so-great attitude. This is the first year that they've had to go to school after Memorial Day--at least the first since living here. They both had final exams--my son had some half days on exam days. My daughter had a party on her last day. They were SO glad to get this behind them! Their last week of school was tough, but they both survived.