My son had a two hour assembly at school the other day. He said that it was very boring. He had asked me to pick him up early so that he could avoid it. I said no--that boredom did not equal an excused absence/early dismissal. He survived, and I saved gas by not making an extra trip. Still, he complained for a while about what a boring day it was because of the assembly. Oh well--we all have to sit through some boring things in life sometimes. With an open attitude: you may learn something new, gain appreciation for something, or just lend your support to someone who needs it by listening to them. I think this was a case of just needing to be a listening audience--at times, that is all that is needed: to lend an ear. School assemblies CAN be boring sometimes--it is the rite of passage of all high school students. No one has actually died of boredom at these things! :)
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