Our thoughts were with the fallen soldiers on Memorial Day, even though we didn't really do anything special. We stayed home, slept late, cooked out, watched television, etc. I think this is the first year that my teens had to go back to school after Memorial Day--their schedules keep changing through the years. We usually are on vacation during Memorial Day weekend--but with gas prices, school schedules, etc., we just decided to stay home. Even though we didn't go anywhere, we still had a nice time just being together as a family. We are beginning to realize that we only have 3 years left as a family of 4. In just 3 short years, my son will be graduating from high school and moving on with his life. Then our daily life will center on the three of us--Mom, Dad, and daughter--for about 2 years. Then, my daughter will graduate and the "empty nest years" will begin. OMG--3 years with both of them, and then 2 with just her--then they will be gone!! That is so hard to believe! So, during our long weekend together, we tried to appreciate the time we have together because we realize how soon it will be gone!
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