Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We had nice weather for Memorial Day. We decided to grill some steaks and baked potatoes for dinner. We relaxed and enjoyed our nice meal at home--and we enjoyed our time together as a family. It was really nice! :)

Memorial Day

Our thoughts were with the fallen soldiers on Memorial Day, even though we didn't really do anything special. We stayed home, slept late, cooked out, watched television, etc. I think this is the first year that my teens had to go back to school after Memorial Day--their schedules keep changing through the years. We usually are on vacation during Memorial Day weekend--but with gas prices, school schedules, etc., we just decided to stay home. Even though we didn't go anywhere, we still had a nice time just being together as a family. We are beginning to realize that we only have 3 years left as a family of 4. In just 3 short years, my son will be graduating from high school and moving on with his life. Then our daily life will center on the three of us--Mom, Dad, and daughter--for about 2 years. Then, my daughter will graduate and the "empty nest years" will begin. OMG--3 years with both of them, and then 2 with just her--then they will be gone!! That is so hard to believe! So, during our long weekend together, we tried to appreciate the time we have together because we realize how soon it will be gone!

Where Are You?

When I was a teenager, going places with my family was sometimes difficult. If we went to the mall, we all went into different directions and had different agendas. We often planned to meet back at a certain place at a certain time, but someone was always late. Many hours were spent waiting on each other or trying to find each other. Today, I am really beginning to appreciate modern technology for things like this--we just text or call each other and see where we are all located. We may plan to meet somewhere, but if someone is delayed, they can easily inform us of the situation. There aren't many moments where we are all sitting around waiting on each other--we just do other things while waiting until they call and say they are coming. It makes things so much easier!

One Stop Shopping

Our whole family of four went shopping together the other day. We went to our local Wal-Mart Supercenter, and we did many things there. My husband had the oil changed in the car, had the tires rotated, and bought a few auto supplies. My son got a haircut and looked at some video games. My daughter looked at some clothes and chose some things to eat. I bought some things for the computer and some groceries. We all met back at the checkout lines and put our things together for our final purchase. Sometimes I get tired of Wal-Mart, but days like this I really appreciate the "one-stop shopping" aspect of it. It didn't take us long to get everything done, and we saved gas by only going to one place. Not too bad!

Garage Sale

We will be having a neighborhood garage sale in a few weeks, and my daughter and I began getting everything prepared for it. My son did a few things, but he is less interested in it--he just cares about the few things that he wants to sell. Since I am totally focused on getting moved soon, I want to sell as much as I can. There are some things that are just too nice to simply dump--I would like to make a little bit of money off of them. I am selling furniture, decorations, and other things that I bought specifically for this house. They were perfect for my "house in the woods," but they won't fit in at all down in Florida! I want a completely different decorating theme once I get there. It is a pain in the butt to prepare for a garage sale--I hope we sell a lot so it will be worth all of this effort!

Iron Man

My son went to see the movie "Iron Man" this weekend. He said that it was pretty good and had cool special effects. I know that I would not like it--just not my kind of movie. I really want to go see the "Sex and the City" movie, but it is rated R and is probably not appropriate for my 13 year old daughter. I guess I will either sneak off alone, go with some of MY friends, or wait until the DVD is released. I just know that I am NOT into movies like "Iron Man"--just no interest in it whatsoever. To each his or her own!

The Silent Treatment

Thankfully it didn't reach "Mean Girl status," but my daughter had an altercation with a friend and she has been getting the silent treatment from her "group." This weekend, they seemed to patch things up--but I don't know if things are really 'back on track" or not. You can insist that they refrain from saying or doing anything mean to each other, but you cannot MAKE them be friends--that is up to them. I just keep saying that there is only one week of school left, and hopefully we will be moving to Florida this summer and it will all be a moot point. I would like for everything to end on a good note, though. My daughter has had to switch schools several times--boundary changes, new buildings, etc. She seems to have a new set of friends each year--she does NOT have friends that have been her BFFs all through the years. Some of her good friends from the past have moved away. I guess you would label most of these girls as "classmates" and "acquaintances" more than "good friends" or "BFFs." One of her truly good friends moved away 3 years ago, and there hasn't really been anyone else to take her place. I keep hoping that we can make a "clean break" from here and that both of my teens can make good friends once we move. Teenagers and friendships--it can be tricky. In today's world, people move around so much, school boundaries change a lot, and everyone is so busy and constantly on the go--there aren't a lot of friendships that last for years and years. And in just a few short years, they finish high school and move away--often to very different places than they lived during high school. Friendships in high school often don't last through the college and young adult years--sometimes they do, but that is rare in today's world. SO--if my daughter doesn't remain friends with these girls, I think she will be ok. Hopefully she will move soon and make new friends--then when she graduates, she will move again and make new friends again. And in young adulthood, moving for jobs and/or relationships is quite common--and new friends are often made during those stages, too. I just hope my teens make a few good friends during their high school years--they can have a good time together as they enjoy the end of childhood and prepare for adulthood. As they experience each stage of adulthood, I hope that they will continue to make new friends who are going through common stages with them. I hope they learn to appreciate the value of friendship, even if the people they build those friendships with changes through the years. Since none of these girls at my daughter's school live near us, she may never see them again after this week--I think she can handle a few more days of the silent treatment if it continues. It would be nice to end things on a good note, though--hopefully it will. If not, my daughter seems content enough to look forward instead of backward--she is really looking forward to making new friends in Florida!


There aren't very many small children in our neighborhood, but there are a few that live nearby. My daughter sometimes watches the twin girls next door, and my son sometimes watches his friend's little brother. This past weekend, my son earned $30 watching his friend's brother for a few hours while the family all went to a late movie. He said that the little boy slept the whole time--it was an easy $30! He is more likely to earn money from pet care than babysitting around here--more cats and dogs than little kids!--but he is up for any and all "odd jobs" to earn some spending money. He has been asking around about summer jobs--most places require teens to be at least 16, and many say 18. He is discovering that he may have to keep finding neighborhood jobs this summer, but he is really looking forward to getting a "real job" next year!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Video Games

My son and his friend spent several hours playing lots of video games the other day. Just when I think they are getting tired of a certain game, they seem to revive it. They still love to play Guitar Hero the most. Apparently, they are many levels and many songs to choose from, so it might be a while before they "burn out" on it. Still, I like to see them go outside every now and then--and they do. They just had a marathon video game session the other day and it reminded me of the good and the bad points about the whole video game world. They can be fun, and they can even sometimes teach skills that can be used in real life--but too much and too violent can definitely be a negative thing, too. Everything in moderation, right?

End-of-the-Year Dance

My daughter stayed after school one day this week to attend the End-of-the-year Dance. She seemed to have a good time. The girls all huddled together and even danced a bit, and the boys stood on the sidelines watching. She said that only a few "couples" were dancing together--it was mostly a group dancing kind of thing. Middle schoolers are funny! They talk about wanting to date and do things as "couples," but when it comes to REALLY doing them, they often chicken out. Hey--you'll get no arguments from me! Keeping them innocent as long as possible is a GREAT idea! Their own shyness and awkwardness seems to be getting in the way of real dating and relationships. But I know this stage won't last long--there are SOME couples getting together, and the other students watch them from afar. It won't be long before they muster enough confidence to make the first moves--then watch out. Real dating is not far away!

Forever Stamps

I know the cost of stamps went up again recently. Good thing I stocked up on those "forever stamps"! Both of my teens have mailed things through "snail mail" lately, and they were glad that I had the correct postage. I don't know if it will TRULY be enough postage "forever"--but I know that we will run out long before we have to test that theory. Hmm...maybe I should stash a few away and try to use them in about 50 years or so. Better yet--leave a few behind for my grandkids and their kids--it would be interesting for them to see if they will be valid in their lifetimes as well. Guess I better put several away if we want to test it out! :)

No Child Left Behind Testing

Preliminary scores were recently released to the students in our state. A lot of them did not quite make the minimum scores in reading and math. In some cases, these students will have to attend summer school, retake the test, and possibly be retained--even if they had passing grades on their report cards. From what I have observed, these standardized tests are doing more harm than good--they are DEFINITELY leaving kids behind! The intent was good, but it is NOT working. Good schools are sometimes classified as bad based simply upon these scores--or even on attendance records. Good students--sometimes honor roll students who do wonderfully all year long--are being classified as "failing students" based solely on these standardized tests. Something is definitely not right--either major changes need to be made, or the law should be banished and something completely different put into place. It is NOT working as intended--the program is failing to help the students, and is actually punishing them and failing them greatly. It makes me lose faith in the public school system, that's for sure!

Tornado Warning

The other day, my son was home alone and the weather turned nasty. I wasn't able to get home for a while, and I was worried about him. He called and said that there was a lot of hail coming down. I heard a tornado warning on the radio about our area. Luckily, his father came home soon after things turned ugly--they took cover in the basement and the storm passed quickly. I was relieved when they called and said that things were much calmer about an hour later. Still, it is a scary thing to know a loved one may be in danger and there is nothing you can do--I felt helpless. I am glad my husband came home early and was there to protect my son if things had been worse. I did NOT like the feeling of worrying and not being able to do anything about it. Later, the news coverage showed tornado damage about 15 or 20 miles from our house. No one was hurt, but there were some damaged homes. All I can say is--WHEW! I am glad we dodged that bullet!

Baseball Game

My daughter had free tickets to a local baseball game the other day, so I went with her. It is funny how different things are when we have our "girl's day out" kind of fun. When the guys go to the games, they are there for the game--they don't talk much. When we go, we chat with our friends and talk about lots of things besides the game. We had a great time--and it really wasn't about the game so much. We really enjoyed talking to our friends and to each other. We had a fun day out together!

Carving A Heart On A Tree

My son is so "in love"! The other day, he went to the woods in our backyard, carved a heart into a tree and put his name and his girlfriend's name in the heart, took a picture of it, and sent it to his girlfriend's email. He is head over heels about this girl! It has lasted over 2 months now--longer than his previous girlfriends this year. In some ways it is sweet and innocent, but I am still worried about his heart getting broken. I guess that is the risk you take in young love. Still, I keep thinking that once he is driving, he may want to date LOTS of girls instead of getting serious with just one. Only time will tell!

Hair Straightener

My daughter is getting more and more self-conscious about her looks lately. She used to throw herself together at the last minute and head out the door to school each day. Now, she spends a long time getting everything "just right." The thing that takes the longest is hair straightening. Now, she won't go to school until she gets her hair perfectly straight. She does look beautiful when she is finished, but I am always nagging her about hurrying so that she won't miss the bus. Teenage girls--they think time should just revolve around them, don't they?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Marie Antoinette

My daughter watched this movie this weekend. I didn't watch it with her--I had some things to do. She says that is was pretty good--parts of it gave her chills. It made me want to research about the real story--seems to be pretty sad overall. Directed by Academy Award Winner, Sophia Copolla, so it must have been a pretty good movie. I guess I am just not really into "period pieces" too much. Later we watched some chick flicks together on Lifetime--I enjoyed those and she seemed to like them even better. I guess she would give this movie one thumb up!

Final Fantasy

My son downloaded a computer version of the game, Final Fantasy. He seems to enjoy a variety of games, both on game consoles and on the computer. BUT--we may have a virus on the computer now, and we are not sure if it is related to downloading the game or not. We may be removing it because it seems to be giving our virus protection software some reason to alert us about it. I want him to be able to use the free games online, but not at the expense of getting a virus on the computer! More details later when I know what's up!

Art Festival

One of my son's clubs was involved in a local art festival this weekend. He spent the day helping the vendors organize things and display them. He also helped with things like parking and crowd control. I think they had a fundraising booth there, too. He is staying active with many of his clubs. I am glad to see him getting involved in many different extracurricular activities. He seemed to have an enjoyable day!

Summer Sale

My daughter and I went shopping again for summer clothes. She really needs a lot of things to build a summer wardrobe--she has outgrown almost everything from last summer. We were lucky to find more sales--she found several cute things. Still, it is hard to find things that are appropriate, and she needs most things to fit the school's dress code since school isn't out just yet. That rules out most tank tops and shorts and limits her mostly to t-shirts and jeans. She was happy with what she found and I was happy with the prices--guess it all worked out! :)

Home Of The Whopper

My son wanted to eat at Burger King the other day. He used to order a Whopper, then he moved up to the double Whopper, and sometimes he even eats a triple Whopper! That is a BIG burger!! He usually gets the regular size, but sometimes he orders the "king size"--lots of fries and a huge drink. I am glad he doesn't eat like that very often! Oh--in health class, he learned that he only has 15% body fat--he is about 5 foot 7(or 8?) and weighs about 135 pounds. I guess a guy with those stats can afford to eat like this on occasion--but if he did it too often, I am sure that he would see some unpleasant results. All I know is that he must be going through a growth spurt because he is really hungry lately--I don't know where he puts it all!

Field Trip

My daughter's class went on a field trip the other day to a local state park. There is a beautiful waterfall there and some awesome mountain views. There is also a wildlife refuge where they help injured animals. It was a beautiful spring day, and they had a great time. The thing my daughter enjoyed the most: riding in the plush charter bus! They rented a nice bus instead of taking school buses---not sure why because it was only about an hour away, but they did. They seemed to have a great time at the state park, but the ride to and from the park was almost as enjoyable!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Cleaning Out Lockers

As the school year ends, my teens are being encouraged to clean out their lockers and take things home. They have to return library books, textbooks, and anything else that belongs to the school. They have to make sure their lunch accounts are paid up-to-date and there are no library fines or other outstanding things to pay. Everything is closing out, winding down, and wrapping up--the smell of summer is in the air. I encouraged them to organize things at home, too--to begin a good summer and to prepare for our upcoming move. Getting organized helps everyone make a fresh start in a new direction. It's a good thing! :)

Nearing The Finish Line

As this week ends, my teens have two weeks of school left. They are getting VERY close to the finish line! I want to plan something special for them as they do cross that line--maybe a trip out of town, or maybe something fun but local. They can't wait til that last day of school--and neither can I! Almost there! :)

Cramming For Exams

My teens are getting study guides and are spending time in exam reviews lately--the exam cram begins! It will be more intense on my son--high school final exams are serious business! They have been given some downtime and rewards in between studying to keep them motivated. Things are getting tough, but they are almost finished. Hang in there!

Growing Up and Outgrowing Things

My teens must be growing through huge growth spurts lately! They are hungry all the time, stay on the go (and burn those calories fast), and are outgrowing their clothes and shoes rapidly these days. It seems like some of the things they could wear a few weeks ago are too small now. I was wondering if things were shrinking in the wash, but it seems that the opposite is true--they are getting taller by the minute! Shirts and pants that were long enough are now too short. It will be time to shop for new summer wardrobes very soon! :)


With all of the pressure of trying to finish the school year, plus the spring fever and summer daydreaming going on, my teens are a bit scatterbrained in other areas lately. Losing things around the house, missing the bus, and other things like that--they just have other things on their mind right now. I hope they get it all together and keep it all together to the very end!

Deadlines Looming

My teens have been working hard to complete projects and meet deadlines at school. They aren't very happy about it, but it is part of life. They just want to get finished! I hope they do their best work and turn everything in on time. They can't stop now!

Summer Daydreaming

My teens have "Summer on the Mind" right now--all they talk about is what they want to do this summer. They really hope we can move to Florida during the next few months--they don't want to start another school year here. We just have to wait and see--wish we could give them more concrete dates and answers. I just want them to have a good summer--moved or not. But they need to concentrate on school for about two more weeks, first!

Spring Fever

Now that the weather is warm and the end of the school year is near, my teens have a touch of spring fever. They still have some important things to complete at school before summer begins, so they can't zone out just yet. But I can see that their eyes are very focused on the finish line--they wish they could run right across the line ahead of time. But no, you must wait for the ready...set...go! Enjoy the spring but keep working hard--it isn't over yet! :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We Love You, Mom! :)

OK--my teens didn't exactly want to contribute to this blog, but they did give me permission to send this message from them. I love them both so much, too! Thanks for everything! :)

Happy Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful day! I had a wonderful weekend! I really love my kids/teens! I got a bit sentimental--I took out the cute homemade presents they made me for Mother's Day through the years. The sweet little handprints, the cute misspelled cards--I just melted as I looked through them! I have truly enjoyed being a mother--it has been a WONDERFUL experience! I know that my role as "mother" will last forever, but the actual day-to-day life as a mother changes drastically through the years. I looked at photos of me with my son on my very first Mother's Day--what a special day that was! I saw photos of my two toddlers--how sweet they were, and how busy I was back then! I saw my two preschoolers--my days were full of adventure and learning opportunities then. I saw my school-aged kids--the cute presents from school and the busy "PTA Mom" life was great. And then, as they hit puberty and adolescence, they still found ways to show their love for me--no more handprints or homemade cards, but they did make some videos and slideshow presentations for me on the computer. This year, they each purchased a card for me, they gave me hugs and wished me a "Happy Mother's Day," and they took me out to dinner at Applebee's. I felt very loved! :) As they reach adulthood and leave home for lives of their own, I hope to maybe get a phone call, a card in the mail, or at least a heartfelt email on Mother's Day. I compiled a video slideshow for my own mother and sent it to her--she loved it! I hope they continue to stay in close contact with me when they are grown, but I want them to live their own very independent lives as well. I have loved being a mother, and I will always love being a mother--but the meaning of this changes through the years. Sometimes I miss those early years, but I balance that with the great times happening right now and the thoughts of good times to be had in the future. Happy Mother's Day! :)

Late Night

My son had to attend an event on Saturday--he didn't get out until after midnight. I had a hard time staying awake waiting for him to call! When he called at 12:30, I had to go pick him up. On the one hand, it will be nice when he can drive. On the other hand, I know I will be up late worrying until he returns home. I think there will be many more late nights ahead for us!

Taco Night

My Mother's Day weekend continued on Saturday. My daughter and I went shopping, then we came home and she made dinner for us--tacos, nachos, creamed corn, and a pie for dessert. Thank you, daughter! :)

Burgers On The Grill

Friday night began our Mother's Day weekend--my teens did some really nice things for me. First, my son made dinner for us--he grilled hamburgers and prepared several side dishes. Everything was delicious! Thank you very much, son! :)

She Made The Honor Roll!

My daughter joined a group of honorees at school the other day--she was on the A/B Honor Roll! They had a nice breakfast for them and presented them with some very nice awards. I'm not sure why they did this before the end of the year--I thought final exams had to be included in the grading. My son is doing well, too, but they are waiting for exams to add up their GPAs. I am seeing several differences between middle and high school--this is just one of them, I guess. Anyway--I am VERY proud of my daughter! Way to go, girl! Great job! :)

Earning His Own Money

My son earned enough money from pet sitting and pet care to purchase another 500 minute refill for his cell phone. He had recently run out of minutes--he earned some money and bought his own refill. Now THAT works for me! :) Yes, it is still getting expensive to keep refilling the minutes, but when he earns his own money to do it, it is MUCH easier to justify. This made me think about the future--instead of constantly coming to us for handouts, maybe he will be earning at least some of his own spending money. I think I am beginning to really like the idea of my son being employed--it is a big step toward adulthood. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is grown adult children who mooch off of their parents long after they should be. I know some grown adults in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s who rely on their parents for financial support. There are SOME circumstances that cannot be helped, but many of these people are truly moochers. As I prepare to launch my son into adulthood, this is a VERY VERY important thing for him to learn to do--to take care of himself financially. It will take some time, but I think it is time for him to begin the process. As he begins driving and dating, he has to earn most of the money needed to do so. Think about all of the expenses coming up in just the next year or so: car payment, car insurance, gas money, wardrobe, movies/concerts/restaurants, etc. Being a teenager--looking your best--dressing in style--going to fun places--doing fun things--it can get quite expensive! I definitely want him to begin earning money to fund some of this--he cannot keep coming to us and asking us for money for everything--that would not teach him anything about earning a living as an adult. Also, he needs to learn about all of the other expenses of adulthood--rent, utilities, etc.--he has to learn how to live within his means and spend his money wisely. Only 3 more years to teach him all of these things--not to mention, saving money for college expenses. There will be a LOT of learning packed into the next 3 years, but it seems that earning a living and living within your means is a HUGE part if it! Successfully taking care of himself, both physically and financially--THAT is one of the most important goals he needs to obtain as he reaches adulthood. Becoming employed and beginning the process--that should begin soon so that he can learn exactly how to do it correctly. Now I am beginning to see that working as a teenager is a very important step toward adulthood--if this learning is delayed, then the whole transition to adulthood gets delayed. At 15, he is earning money around the neighborhood. At 16, I hope he gets his first "real job" and begins to learn all about "the working world." At 17 and 18, he will be completing his high school education, working to pay for his daily expenses and to save for future expenses, and learning how to live on his own--both physically AND financially. During this stage, constant handouts without earning anything would be a HUGE disservice. I want him to learn how to live as an adult--the learning process begins now and cannot be postponed. Watching him enter the "working world" will be exciting--I am looking forward to seeing him truly gain a healthy respect for money as he learns how to earn and spend wisely. As I watch this process, I will be watching my little boy, who used to rely on me for EVERYTHING, become a man, who can take care of everything himself! How exciting! :)

She's On The Front Page! :)

My daughter's class was on the front page of our local newspaper the other day! There was also a photo of her with some of the other girls--front and center! She was so excited! :) Of course, we immediately ran out and bought several copies from the newsstands! Some for us, some for grandparents, etc.--you know how it goes! I am glad that she was in the newspaper for something good! :) I imagine it must be difficult if the opposite is true--I wonder if people buy lots of papers if their loved one is in it for doing something bad. Anyway--her school's art and music program was featured--and her photo was on the front page. How exciting! :)

Dog Wash

My son has been doing lots of pet care lately. Besides taking care of his own dog--feeding her, taking her for walks, giving her a bath, giving her flea treatments and other medications--he has also cared for other people's pets, too. Some of our neighbors hire him to take care of their pets when they are out of town. He has made some extra spending money this way. It is one of the few jobs that he can do right now, with limited transportation and all. I know the neighbors will miss him when we move, but he will be glad to have more options regarding jobs for teens. If it all works out, we will be living in the middle of a busy area--lots of possibilities for jobs within walking distance. Even though pet care has been a good start in the working world, he really looks forward to having a "real" job--with paychecks (and taxes!) and all that comes with it. I know he wants to start this summer, but he will still be 15--and we hope to be moving sometime during the summer. Once we move--once he turns 16--once he can drive--then I think an afternoon/weekend/summer job will be a great idea. I am all for the idea of earning your own money as a teenager--it is expensive to go out with friends and on dates! But for now, the pet care is about all he can do. At least he has SOMETHING to do--I don't want him to just sit around and do NOTHING this summer! Maybe he can find something else to add to his "summer job list." But next summer should be a lot better--he will be 16, he will be driving, and hopefully we will live near lots of places that hire teens for the summer. Until then, pet care and dog washes will just have to do!

Interview For The Newspaper

My daughter's class was interviewed by a local reporter about their performance the other day. She was nervous, but excited. They are doing a piece about the art and music programs in the local schools. Each person was interviewed, and the reporter took lots of notes. It will be exciting to see how the article turns out! :)

Driver's Ed

I am looking into signing my son up for a driver's education course soon. I am disappointed that this is not offered as a course through our school district. When I was a teen, I took driver's ed in high school--as a credited course. I don't know if this is a state issue, but it seems to be. Are there still some states that offer driver's ed in school? All I know is this--we will have to pay a large fee to get my son into a private driving school. There isn't a free course offered anywhere around here. So I guess we will be shelling out the money soon for him to take driver's ed at a private driving school--probably during the summer. And if we move to Florida during the summer, things may change again--I wish we could hurry up and get there! The laws seem to be different for teen drivers in different states--it is hard to move in the middle of the process. Some say that they need to do some things one full year before getting their license--others just say a quick course and they are ready.

In some ways, I want him to get his license--in other ways, I am nervous and hesitant. I really feel for his friend who lost his older brother in a car accident last year--his mother must REALLY be having a hard time making these decisions. If a mother loses one child in a car accident, it must be a REALLY tough decision to let the younger child drive. I know I can hardly stand to let my son behind the wheel--I cannot imagine how it must be for a mother in this tough situation. We pass the spot where the wreck occurred every day--there is a cross there in his memory. I think about it every day--I cannot imagine how this mother must feel as she passes by. It will be so hard for the brother to drive by--it will be so hard for the mother to let him. It is hard for all of the mothers who knew them. Losing someone in a car accident puts fear in you--it is really hard to move past that fear. But I will let my son learn to drive, no matter how hard it is to let him do so. I just cannot stop thinking about the risk--it hit too close to home and I will always be highly aware of it. My son needs to learn how to drive safely--I will find a private driving school so that he can learn to be as safe as possible. And in December, after he turns 16, I will take him to the DMV and let him take the test--if he passes and receives his license, I will let him drive. It won't be easy, but I think it is the right thing to do.

Bike Shorts

My daughter has to wear shorts for her p.e. class. I wonder if they know how challenging it is to find decent shorts for girls these days? When we went shopping, she ended up having to buy shorts from the boys department to make sure that they were long enough! None of the girls shorts even came close to being halfway to the knee! She purchased the longer boy shorts, but she didn't like to wear them. Then she discovered "bike shorts". The length was not a problem--almost to the knee. But the problem now is--way too tight across the bottom! She looked fine in them from the front, but when she turned around...let's just say that she could easily compete with J Lo! What she decided to do was to wear BOTH--bike shorts and shorter jogging shorts on top. The bike shorts take care of the length, and the jogging shorts give a looser look across the bottom. She still isn't happy about the look, but she is dealing with it. Why is it so hard to find shorts in a decent length without being too tight? They don't have to be Bermuda shorts, but long enough to be decent is a requirement. WHY is it so hard to find decent, cool clothes for teen girls these days? At least we figured out something that will work for now. I dread shopping for summer clothes with my daughter--I don't like the tiny little skirts and shorts I've seen lately. I challenge designers to rethink this--cute and cool does not mean "showing it all off"! Moms are trying to buy clothes their daughters like to wear, but there isn't much that would pass the "Mom test" these days. Come on--give us a break!

CPR Training

My son recently completed CPR training in his health class. He received a card saying that he is now certified in CPR administration. I have done this before, especially when I was working as a teacher "back in the day." I think you have to renew every few years to keep it current--mine has elapsed. I think I would remember everything, though. I wonder how often people end up using this certification? I mean, everyday people who do not work in the medical world at all? Whenever you hear of something happening to someone, usually 911 gets called and the 911 operator talks someone through it. I am curious how often lives are saved due to these quick courses and certification classes? I think it is good--I am glad that my son might could help someone in a crisis with CPR. I just don't know if people are using it as much as intended or not. I did hear about a boy saving a classmate from choking by using the Heimlich maneuver(sp?)--that may be an even more important thing for people to know. I think I learned both in my classes--I will ask my son if he did as well. He is learning a lot this year! :)

Breathe Right Strips

My daughter has either been suffering from a cold lately, or she also has been affected by the excess pollen in the air. Either way, she has been uncomfortable with congestion and a stuffy nose. She especially has been uncomfortable at night and hasn't been sleeping very well. She asked me to pick up some Breathe Right strips--she knows someone who uses them and swears by them. I did, and she tried them. I don't know if it was psychosomatic, but she claims that she slept much better with them. If it works for her, then great! I'm still not sure if she had a cold or allergy--if it was a cold, it was time for it to run it's course anyway. If it is an allergic reaction to pollen, it seems to be better after we had some rain wash the excess pollen away. I am just glad that she seems to be feeling better! :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Retro TV Commercials

After we watched some clips from old television shows, we checked out some old commercials, too. My son thought this one was HILLARIOUS! Check it out yourself! Go to YouTube and search for an old game called "Ball Buster." FUNNY! :)

Retro TV on the Wii

We had the best time using the Wii this weekend. Using the internet feature, we went to YouTube. I decided to watch some retro tv, and I had a blast! Just zoom in and let the video fill the entire tv screen, and it felt like I was back in time! I had fun showing my teens some of the shows from MY day. My daughter thought the clips from Sonny and Cher were funny! I know I can do this on the computer, too--but there was just something about sitting back on the couch and watching them on the tv that made it feel really cool! :)

You're Out!

After an original 1,000 cell phone minutes at Christmas and two 500 minute refills this spring, my son has officially run out of minutes again. He was doing better than my daughter in the beginning, but now HE is texting a lot more and using his minutes faster than she is lately. OK--it is MAY now--let's figure this out. December 25 = 1,000 minutes + 2(500) later =2,000 minutes in about 4 months. I guess that averages about 500 a month--the 500 minute refills cost $50. Dang--I don't know if a plan would be better or not! I pay about $50 for 420 minutes, plus I get 250 texts, plus I get free nights and weekends. I couldn't rationalize adding both of my teens to a family plan--that would add up to about $100 to $150 a month, and we would have to share minutes--and I KNOW that wouldn't work very well! Some plans are about $100 a month for unlimited everything, but that is for one person--not sure how high it goes to add two more phones to the plan. BUT--if I am paying $50 for my plan, plus about $50 a month for each of them to refill their minutes, it adds up to about $150 a month anyway! I don't know. On the one hand, it MAY be a BIT less expensive to join a plan--the free nights and weekends, or the free everything would keep them from running up too many charged minutes. BUT--I still worry about them using up MY minutes---I just don't think it would be fair to share. So only the free everything would work for us--but I don't know how high that would be for three people. I will look into it. In the meantime, I may go ahead and refill his minutes--he has done a great job in school and at home, too. Plus, I really do like it when they have access to their phones when away from home--it is so much easier to communicate about picking them up or other things. I will ask some of the other parents around here--some have plans and some are pay-as-you-go--I will compare different aspects and decide soon. I do think having a cell phone can be a good thing for teens--especially once they begin driving and dating. I just don't want to "break the bank" trying to pay for them!

Catch and Release

My daughter and I enjoyed watching a movie together this weekend. We watched "Catch and Release." It was pretty good. Everything revolves around Jennifer Garner's character--her fiancee dies, and she goes to a cabin where his best friends are staying so they can all mourn together. Many secrets are revealed about her lost love--she gets to know him better in death than she ever knew him in life. We enjoyed it. Another great chick flick, but this has kind of a guy angle on it, too. I so love to watch movies with my daughter these days! :)

Driving With The Brake On!

Thankfully we didn't go very far, but it was an interesting experience! My son was driving--not going very far--just a few blocks to his friend's house. I used to go down a checklist for him to make sure he remembered everything. Now he THINKS he doesn't need those prompts, but it turned out not to be so. I watched him as he prepared to drive, but somehow I didn't notice that he had left the parking brake on--maybe just partially. He apparently didn't notice it, either. On the way to his friend's house, we noticed some noises and began to worry about the car. As soon as he pulled into his friend's driveway, we checked the tires--one smelled a bit like burning rubber. I thought--oh, no--a bad tire. After dropping my son off at his friend's house, I drove home cautiously with my hazard lights on. I noticed that the strange noises had stopped and everything seemed normal. When I once again inspected the tires at home, there was no strange smell. Then it hit me--I bet he had driven with the parking brake on! I called him and told him my suspicion--he agreed that he must have forgotten about that step. DUH!--to both of us! Thankfully it was only a few blocks--seems to be no damage. We just need this car to make it a little longer--no big repairs, please! I think we escaped a big one in this situation--could have been bad! WHEW! You can bet that I will remind him about releasing the brake from now on! :)

Parent-Teacher Conference

My daughter's middle school arranged parent-teacher conferences this past week to get everything ready for next year. Everything went fine at my daughter's meeting, but it also felt strange making plans at this school for next year--we HOPE to be in Florida by then. BUT--since the move has been such a tough transition and may still take a while, I guess we need to set up everything here as if we will be here. It certainly won't hurt to be prepared for either outcome. Still, I can't help but get nervous about the possibility of beginning yet another school year without being in Florida. We are so ready--I really want to try to make it work THIS summer! But if it doesn't, we have plan B in place as well. Hoping for plan A, but ready with plan B if needed.