As my teenagers' birthdays and Christmas arrived, their wish lists contained lots of new high-tech gifts and gadgets. We couldn't completely check off everything on their lists, but they did receive a lot of really cool things. My son's gifts: LCD tv, laptop computer, X-Box 360 and Rockband, and a GPS for the car. My daughter's gifts: LCD tv, Sidekick cell phone, DVDs and CDs, and webcam. They ended the year saying that they had almost everything they wanted--a good feeling when you know that you cannot buy them EVERYTHING they truly wanted! I really wish that I could afford to trade in my minivan for a nice car for me and a used car for my son, but that just isn't doable right now. Oh, well--it isn't killing him to drive my minivan around--it isn't "cool" of course, but he isn't slinking around in shame, either. Maybe one day soon he will begin working part-time somewhere and we can work on a plan to buy an inexpensive used car for him--but for now, the minivan will just have to do! Both my son and daughter immensely enjoy using their new high-tech gifts. It really is a cool time to be a teenager! I could never have dreamed of some of these things when I was a teen!
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