Saturday, February 6, 2010

High School Holidays and Events

Both my son and daughter had a lot of fun participating in school events in the fall. Homecoming was a special week for both of them: dances, parades, pep rallies, dressing in themes...and, of course, the big games! It was my daughter's first time to participate in these events--her freshmen class won the spirit award at the pep rally! She also enjoyed spending time with her boyfriend and friends at the Homecoming Dance(although it was quite casual--apparently the "dress up event" only applies to Juniors and Seniors at her school(same with Prom). My son was chosen to represent one of his clubs in the Homecoming Parade--he had a lot fun doing that! He also was chosen as an escort for the Homecoming Court(his girlfriend's friend was in the Court and she was fine with lending him for the event!) As for the actual Homecoming Games, my daughter's school lost their game, but my son's school continued their winning streak and moved on to further playoff games. Win or lose, I think both my son and daughter enjoyed Homecoming Week! :)

Halloween was fun for both my son and daughter as well. My daughter and her boyfriend dressed as vampires and attended a school-sponsored Halloween Dance. My son and his girlfriend dressed as video game characters(some I had never heard of before!) and attended a Halloween Party with several of their friends from school. Everyone had a great time and I just sat back and watched as our Halloween traditions moved into a different realm. No more Trick-or-Treating for our family--now Halloween meant parties and dances with friends and dates, not walking around the neighborhood with parents. It is hard for me to let go of traditions, but I have lots of pictures to look at when I feel nostalgic. The days of cute Halloween costumes with cute little kids is gone--but that is okay. Halloween was still lots of fun for my teenagers! :)

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