My son's 18th birthday is just days away--and then he will be a "legal adult." He will probably just spend time at Disney with his girlfriend and then have cake with his family. I have been preparing for this day for a long time--my job of raising my son is almost finished. I can hardly believe it! So...Happy Birthday son!! I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday--and I have had 18 wonderful years of being your mother--and now you are "fully grown" and my job is almost over--but I will ALWAYS be your mother! :) Happy Birthday! :)
My daughter turned Sweet Sixteen this year!! :) We spent her birthday at Disney World, of course! Presents, cake, and fun at Disney--she was happy! No big party--she didn't want one! No car--she still isn't ready to drive yet! Just fun with friends and family--my daughter is easy to please! Happy Birthday, Baby Girl! No matter how old you are, you will always be MY "baby girl"! :)
Toy Story is a sentimental favorite in our family. It was the first movie my son ever saw in a theater. He collected toys and things from the movie: especially Buzz Lightyear! He saw Toy Story 2 when it came out, too--and collected more toys! In some ways, my son is a lot like Andy and is right about the same age: playing with the toys as Andy did in the first movie and beginning to play with them less as in the second one. And, in Toy Story 3, Andy is almost grown and is about to leave for college--and it is time for him to get rid of all of his childhood toys. I have to admit that I shed a few tears during some of the scenes that "hit home"! My son even seemed to enjoy it--he said it was "nostalgic" to watch it! Working for Disney definitely has its perks: all employees received a free Toy Story 3 DVD! Thanks, Disney! We loved it! :)
My teens are very "pro-Microsoft" and "anti-Apple"--sorry, Apple, but being over-priced might have something to do with it. When it comes to Zune vs. I-Pod Touch, they chose Zune hands down. If for no other reason, a 16 GB Zune is less expensive than a 8GB I-Pod Touch! And I think they like the features on Zune better, too! our family, Zune wins! Both of my teens have one now! :)
We had a lot of fun at Disney World during October--especially at the Halloween Parties! The Boo to You Parade is the best! The fireworks and special castle shows are awesome, too! My teens enjoyed riding all of the rides--and we were eating leftover candy for weeks!! Halloween at Disney World is so much fun!! :)
My teens both enjoyed Homecoming events this year--dressing up in themes during the week, going to pep rallies, going to the game and the dance...lots of fun! Since it was my son's LAST high school Homecoming Week, it was a bit more emotional...he really enjoyed fully participating in events that he had skipped in previous years. As Homecoming events and football season ended, he knew that things would never be the same...and so did I. Just one more "last time" to check off the list--and a little bit closer to a completely new and different kind of life. For now...both of my teens are enjoying every moment of high school as each day unfolds. Homecoming 2010 was full of lots of good memories!
My daughter began her Sophomore Year of high school this year. She is enjoying moving up the ranks--she's no longer a rookie freshman! It seems like just yesterday her brother was this age...and now he is about to graduate! daughter will be graduating in no time, too! Sometimes I just have to pinch myself to believe that we are really at this stage already! I am really enjoying every minute with my teenagers--I just can't imagine life after this stage!
My son began his Senior Year of high school this year! I am already getting emotional about it all--Senior Portraits, Class Rings, ordering things for all brings tears to my eyes! I hope he has a wonderful Senior Year--I just look at EVERYTHING as "his last time"--I just cannot believe it is here already!! In December he will turn 18 and be a legal adult, then a few months later and he will finish high school--then on to the rest of his life! I sure am trying to enjoying every last minute that he is here!
My daughter also went to Disney Quest with her boyfriend and his family. They played lots of cool virtual reality games there. I haven't been yet, but I plan to go soon--it sounds like a lot of fun! I also want to go to the Disney Waterparks, the Disney Mini-Golf Parks, and other things like the Cirque du Soleil show at Downtown Disney. I love everything Disney! :)
Even though we are loyal Disney fans, we sometimes get opportunities to go to some of the "other parks" around here as well. This summer, my daughter went to Busch Gardens a few times with her boyfriend's family. They had annual passes for Sea World/Busch Gardens and were able to get her discounted tickets. She had a lot of fun and compared it to Disney's Animal Kingdom. She especially enjoyed riding the roller coasters(and sitting close together!) with her boyfriend! :)
I guess it is kind of a "rite of passage," getting a traffic son did not come to a complete stop at a neighborhood stop sign, and an undercover policeman gave him a ticket. He was NOT happy about having to use his own money from his summer job to pay it, but it seemed like the right thing to do--besides, I really couldn't afford to cover it for him anyway. Luckily, he was able to attend traffic school to get it expunged from his record--no points against him and no issues with car insurance. Still, no one likes to get a ticket! He definitely makes sure to come to a complete stop at each and every stop sign now, that's for sure!
My son was determined to get a job this summer--he applied for many things hoping at least one thing would work out. Finally, he ended up landing not one, but two, summer jobs! YAY! He worked weekdays with a landscaping business, and he worked at a restaurant on the weekends. He really enjoyed earning his own money! He framed his first dollar and bought a few things--then he began saving the rest. He had a nice nest-egg by the end of the summer! It really was nice to let him buy his own cell phone minutes and things like that--I LOVE the fact that he is becoming more independent and self-sufficient now! As the summer ended and the school year began, he decided not to juggle work and school since he was taking a full load of classes. I think his first summer of REALLY working and earning a paycheck was a big success! He developed a great work ethic and learned a lot about being in the working world. That will definitely serve him well in the future!
We really enjoyed spending time at Disney World during Summer Nightastic! Disney World is always a fun place to be, but the added features made it even better! A new parade, bigger and better fireworks, and other cool changes at all of the parks--it was amazing! My teens enjoyed bringing their friends and family with them many times during the summer. Summer at Disney World really was "Summer Night-tastic!"
My daughter recently wanted new glasses frames, and I was very surprised that she picked this style! To me, it reminds me of the glasses that people wore in the 60s and 70s--including my brother and myself! I was so relieved to get contact lenses when I was a teenager because I hated what was available when it came to glasses frames back then. Apparently, this retro look is back in style--I do see lots of young people wearing them now. So my daughter chose black-framed glasses--the kind I hated when I was a teenager!--and she loves them! She is a beautiful girl and would look beautiful in anything! :)
My son and his girlfriend went to the prom together: his Junior prom/her Senior prom. They looked SO good all dressed up! They ate at Olive Garden beforehand, took beautiful prom portraits, and then enjoyed dancing the night away. They had a great time! If they are still dating when my son's Senior prom arrives, they will go together again--so far, graduating before him hasn't put a damper on their relationship. In fact, my son's girlfriend still enjoys hanging out at her alma mater--she still has friends there and considers some of the teachers to be her mentors. Prom 2010 was a night to remember, and Prom 2011 is sure to be one, too!
My teens enjoyed Spring Break this year! They especially enjoyed sleeping late all week! They spent some time just hanging out at home, and they went to Disney World several times. They watched a space shuttle launch that week, too! They went swimming in the pool and even spent a day at the beach--being in Florida for Spring Break was great!
This year has been a good one for both of my teenagers regarding their love lives. Both reached the one-year mark of dating the same people since we moved to Florida. On the one hand, they may be missing out on the fun of dating lots of people in high school to get to know what they really like in a person--a good learning experience for adult relationships, I think. But on the other hand, they are learning about being in committed relationships and weathering the ups and downs within that relationship--also a good learning experience for adulthood. Both couples say they LOVE each other, but who knows if these will be long-term relationships or not. I just worry about them getting too serious at too young of an age--there will be plenty of time for serious relationships in the future...why rush it? They occasionally go out on dates with their loved ones, but they usually just hang out together...and usually they hang out here(in supervised situations). All-in-all, both my son and daughter seem very happy--they are both glad that we moved to Florida and they are especially glad that they met their current love interests. Dealing with teenage love and dating has been okay lately--I've had the chance to get to know the people who love my teens ALMOST as much as I do! :)
There is a reason that I have once again fallen behind on this blog: I now am a WORKING mother of two teenagers, and I work for the Walt Disney Company. Even though I am very busy balancing work and family these days, my family is thrilled about our new connection with Disney. Now we can go to Disney World for free--and we do go a lot! Our favorite ride: Rock 'n Roller Coaster. Our favorite park: Hollywood Studios. Our favorite fireworks show: Wishes at Magic Kingdom. When family and friends come to visit us, we take them to Disney World. We celebrated Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Fourth of July, Halloween, and our birthdays at Disney World. We went to the Flower and Garden Festival, Star Wars Weekend, Summer Nightastic, Halloween Party, and Food and Wine Festival. We shop at Downtown Disney and eat at Disney restaurants and get discounts. We love being part of the Disney family! :)
I was surprised when my daughter said that she wanted to give her boyfriend a teddy bear for his 16th birthday...she said he wanted one to remind him of her(he had given one to her for Christmas). It was a challenge to find something masculine! Finally, we saw this camouflage bear at Build-a-Bear and thought it would be a good choice. She added sound effects that said Happy Birthday and I Love You. She was pleased, but she felt a little embarrassed about the big box they put it in! She ended up just giving him the bear, minus the box...and he seemed to really like it! They really are a cute couple! :) Happy Birthday!
My son had a special event recently where he had to dress up and escort his girlfriend. She helped him get all fixed up for this event: she chose the hairstyle, the clothes, and even the cologne! When she was finished working her magic, my son looked so good! He no longer looked like the shaggy-haired teen that has been living here lately...he looked like a professional businessman! I was thrilled! Of course I embarrassed him by insisting that he pose for pictures, but I am so glad that I did. Everyone in the family was impressed! Now I can see what is just around the son is almost a full-grown man. He will turn 18 this year and will reach legal adulthood. Soon after that, he will graduate from high school and go off to college and/or the military. When he was all dressed up, I saw a glimpse of the future: my son as a young man, not as a teenage boy. I am so proud of him! :)
I hope 2010 turns out to be a really good year for my teenagers! And I think each year will continue to be better and better for them: my son is in the Class of 2011 and my daughter is in the Class of 2013. A new decade...a new generation of high school graduates...things are looking good for the future! :)
For the first time ever, both my son and daughter had dates for New Year's Eve! My son spent the evening with his girlfriend at a friend's party--he definitely received a good-luck kiss at midnight! :) And he also was very responsible and came home earlier than I had expected--he was tired once the midnight hour finally arrived! And my daughter ended up attending an event with her boyfriend--with both of their families in attendance as well! :) I enjoyed getting to know my daughter's boyfriend's family a little better as we rang in the new year together. At midnight, I saw my daughter and her boyfriend sneak a quick kiss, so they hopefully will have good luck all year long! :) Now it is 2010--and we live in Florida--and we are happy! Happy New Year! :)
As my teenagers' birthdays and Christmas arrived, their wish lists contained lots of new high-tech gifts and gadgets. We couldn't completely check off everything on their lists, but they did receive a lot of really cool things. My son's gifts: LCD tv, laptop computer, X-Box 360 and Rockband, and a GPS for the car. My daughter's gifts: LCD tv, Sidekick cell phone, DVDs and CDs, and webcam. They ended the year saying that they had almost everything they wanted--a good feeling when you know that you cannot buy them EVERYTHING they truly wanted! I really wish that I could afford to trade in my minivan for a nice car for me and a used car for my son, but that just isn't doable right now. Oh, well--it isn't killing him to drive my minivan around--it isn't "cool" of course, but he isn't slinking around in shame, either. Maybe one day soon he will begin working part-time somewhere and we can work on a plan to buy an inexpensive used car for him--but for now, the minivan will just have to do! Both my son and daughter immensely enjoy using their new high-tech gifts. It really is a cool time to be a teenager! I could never have dreamed of some of these things when I was a teen!
Living in Florida during 2009 turned out to be a really cool thing as my teenagers' birthdays arrived. Disney World offered free admission to one park on their birthdays! My daughter turned 15 in September, and she chose to spend the day at Animal Kingdom. My son turned 17 in December, and he chose to spend the day at Epcot. I even was able to spend MY birthday in October at Disney World--I chose Hollywood Studios. And my parents were able to visit during their April birthdays--they chose Magic Kingdom and Epcot. Sometimes other family members purchased tickets to join the birthday honoree, and sometimes they went alone. I went with my daughter to Animal Kingdom, but my son went alone to Epcot and I went alone to Hollywood Studios. My son, daughter, and myself joined my parents when they went to the Magic Kingdom but not to Epcot. In 2007, we had all visited all four parks together--it was fun to return to our favorite ones on our birthdays! Everyone had a great time! It really made for some special birthdays, that's for sure! My teenagers LOVED going to Disney World on their birthdays!! It was so much fun!! It would have been more difficult to do this if we weren't living here--living in Florida has turned out to be SUCH a great thing for us!! :)
Both my son and daughter had a lot of fun participating in school events in the fall. Homecoming was a special week for both of them: dances, parades, pep rallies, dressing in themes...and, of course, the big games! It was my daughter's first time to participate in these events--her freshmen class won the spirit award at the pep rally! She also enjoyed spending time with her boyfriend and friends at the Homecoming Dance(although it was quite casual--apparently the "dress up event" only applies to Juniors and Seniors at her school(same with Prom). My son was chosen to represent one of his clubs in the Homecoming Parade--he had a lot fun doing that! He also was chosen as an escort for the Homecoming Court(his girlfriend's friend was in the Court and she was fine with lending him for the event!) As for the actual Homecoming Games, my daughter's school lost their game, but my son's school continued their winning streak and moved on to further playoff games. Win or lose, I think both my son and daughter enjoyed Homecoming Week! :)
Halloween was fun for both my son and daughter as well. My daughter and her boyfriend dressed as vampires and attended a school-sponsored Halloween Dance. My son and his girlfriend dressed as video game characters(some I had never heard of before!) and attended a Halloween Party with several of their friends from school. Everyone had a great time and I just sat back and watched as our Halloween traditions moved into a different realm. No more Trick-or-Treating for our family--now Halloween meant parties and dances with friends and dates, not walking around the neighborhood with parents. It is hard for me to let go of traditions, but I have lots of pictures to look at when I feel nostalgic. The days of cute Halloween costumes with cute little kids is gone--but that is okay. Halloween was still lots of fun for my teenagers! :)
My teens enjoyed a nice summer in Florida...going to the beach, going to waterparks, and just hanging out and relaxing...unfortunately, summer jobs just did not materialize in this economy! I have mixed feelings about that: summer jobs are great life experiences for teenagers and they really need the extra spending money, but it is also nice to enjoy a little more time just being young and free before entering the "real world" of working every day. I think my son REALLY wanted to work this summer and I would have been very supportive of that, but it just did not work out. He tried though...I saw him apply for many things, but nothing ever came of it. Anyway...summer seemed to FLY always does, doesn't it?!
My son started his junior year of high school full of confidence. He is now beginning to focus on the future, and he was able to choose some electives that may help him begin a lifelong career path someday. He fit right in because he had already found his "group" at school. He signed up for several clubs and extracurricular activities. He has become quite active in his new school--much more so than he was in his old school. I really think that moving was an EXCELLENT thing for him...yes, he would have LOVED to have moved before beginning his freshman year, but amazingly he has smoothly transitioned into a new school even though the timing of the switch was less than perfect. Being at a large high school with lots of students who move in and out of the system and transfer to different schools that have programs that interest them seems to have helped. In other words, he was definitely not the only "new guy" coming in...he quickly met people that he had a lot in common with and immediately became part of several school groups. I was proud to see him come out of his shell a bit and participate in lots of didn't take him long at all to "find his place" and decide that he was very happy in his new high school. That made me feel SO much better about the bad timing of the move!!
Because of the numerous choices of school programs in our school district, my daughter chose to attend a different high school than her brother did. She had already made some friends and met her boyfriend when she moved at the end of 8th grade...she wanted to continue going to school with them, plus she really liked the high school that they would be attending. So, when school began, my daughter was part of the freshman class...the class of 2013..and she was very excited about it! She also became part of some school groups and began to participate in extracurricular activities with her friends. She is a bit shy, so she sometimes just sits back and cheers on her friends in some activities...she is a very good volleyball player, but she just couldn't muster up enough courage to try out for the team--but she attends all of the games and roots for the team and for her friends who are on the team. She says that MAYBE she will try out next year, but I won't push this on her. I was REALLY shy in high school and I was too scared to try out for ANYTHING...I KNOW how she feels!! It is totally up to her--if she wants to do it, great...if not, that's fine, too. Even though she sometimes is quietly on the sidelines instead of being in the middle of everything, she is VERY happy. She is making excellent grades and is on the honor roll! She has lots of new friends...she has a very nice boyfriend..and she is participating in a lot of fun school activities. She is SO happy with her life in Florida! :)
So now I am the mother of TWO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS!! Wow... I feel old!!! The days of being a PTA Mom at an elementary school are over...the awkward days of puberty and adjustment to teen life during the middle school years are I have arrived at the final stage: mothering two teenagers through high school and preparing them for graduation/adulthood/real life away from home. Sometimes I can hardly believe that this stage has arrived. Even more mind-blowing is the fact that the high school years are so brief, and in just a short amount of time, my teenagers will be moving on to adulthood and moving out of my home and into the real world. I am enjoying every minute of this time with them that I can! I am preparing myself for "life after kids"--it will be SO different! But I am relishing the bittersweet moments that will take place over the next few years. I have already begun the countdown: the "last times" that my teenagers will do this or that. I can only imagine what I will be like during their Senior Year!! My son will become a Senior this year when school starts in the fall...I am already thinking about his "last" summer/school events/Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years/Valentines Day/Easter/Mothers Day/etc. before graduation. And I get teary-eyed just thinking about all of those special Senior events leading up to the final big day: Graduation Day! I think I am adjusting to these changes and events quite well--my son is really maturing and I can see the young adult that he is becoming--he truly is almost a full-grown man. Letting go of him will not be easy for me, but I think I am nearly prepared to do so when the time comes. I will be proud to see him follow his dreams and make his own way in the world. Then I will have two more years to adjust to my daughter's final moments of high school. This may be harder for me to accept...she is my youngest, my "baby girl," my female counterpart. But I do not want to keep her as my "little girl"--she is becoming a beautiful young woman with dreams of her own. I will savor each and every moment of her transition from teenage girl to mature young woman. I am actually looking forward to seeing her blossom! So, that is my life now: not only mother of two teenagers, but mother of two teenagers in high school who are rapidly heading toward adulthood. It has been and will continue to be an amazing ride! :)
My son spent a LONG time preparing to get his driver's license! When he was 15, he studied the driver's manual from our former state and took the written part of the exam soon after his 15th birthday. He received his learner's permit and began driving around town with me in the passenger seat...I doled out a LOT of advice and instruction to him during this time(he often called it nagging, but I don't see it that way!) and I was always ready to take over as soon as I felt he had driven enough for the day. He also practiced night driving and driving in the rain and other situations...with me sitting nervously next to him and hoping and praying that all went well each time! He continued this learning/practicing routine throughout the year, then he turned 16. I assumed that he would be ready right away to take his driving test and become a fully licensed driver soon after his 16th birthday, but this was not the case. He had to complete a lengthy online driver's education course, and I was surprised that he took so much time to complete wasn't very hard, but it was very time consuming. Procrastination and finding other things that he would rather do with his time often took precedent over completing the coursework. I tried not to push him, though...if he wanted to take his own sweet time to become a solo driver, it was fine with me! So time went on, and he spent most of the year continuing to prepare for the big day of taking his driving test and getting his official license. Once we moved to Florida, he wanted to spend some time getting to know the new roads and routes around town. I have to say that driving and road conditions were MUCH better in our area of Florida than they were before we moved here...I felt MUCH better about letting my son drive ALONE on these roads than on our previous roads. Finally, after several weeks of driving around town with me as a passenger, my son announced that he was ready to take his driving test. He went online and signed up for an appointment, found out what paperwork he needed, and asked me to take him to the DMV at the allotted time. When we went, I was both excited and nervous for him...he seemed quite calm and confident about the process. I watched from afar as he completed the official Florida driving test...he did very well! He passed his driving test, and became a fully licensed driver!! :) Oh we go!! He drove me home and dropped me off, then, for the first time ever, he drove off without me to pick up his girlfriend and take her on his first real car date! That was one scary moment for me, watching him drive off alone!!! But I took a deep breath, said a silent prayer, and decided to accept the fact that time is moving on, he is growing up, and things are just as they should be. is REALLY hard on parents when their teenagers are off driving around town without parental supervision!! I immediately thought about my own parents and what it was like for them when I first began driving alone...AH!, so THAT was what THEY felt like!!! I suddenly had a new appreciation for the "other side"--the PARENTS' perspective--the side that I am now on!! My son really enjoyed being able to pick up his girlfriend, drive her to the mall, and take her out to dinner...she already had her driver's license, so she had been the driver in the relationship up to this point...but now he could finally be the one to pick HER up and take HER out on a date...he LOVED that! So now life is moving son is now driving and dating...and that is actually fine with me! :)
Although our timing of the move was less than perfect(my son was nearing the end of 10th grade and my daughter was finishing 8th grade), it all turned out just fine. My son was able to transfer his credits to a new high school without any problems and pick right up where he left off. And things really turned out great for my daughter...there wasn't really any kind of big transition from middle school to high school at her old school, but at her new school, they had a very special 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony and a really fun field trip to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure! She was thrilled! Although my son was a bit jealous about her field trip, he had already been to Universal on a band field trip when he was in the 6th grade...his sister had always been a bit jealous about THAT, so she was happy to finally get HER chance to go, too! By the time the school year ended, both my son and daughter were already feeling right at home in Florida...and LOVING it! :)
I enjoyed spending time with my son and daughter doing lots of fun things once we moved to Florida. We enjoyed checking out all of the local sights...this time seeing them as "locals" instead of as "tourists"! Easter was nice...we went to a Passion Play and enjoyed a dinner of fresh seafood. And Mother's Day was extra special this year...I talked my teens into a quick photo session at a local tropical garden(awesome photos with my teens!) and we enjoyed a nice meal at a local dinner theater(not at all boring, even to my teenagers!). We were all so happy to finally be Florida residents! And I was especially happy to spend time with my teenagers, watching them settle into their new routines and new lifestyle. Our life in Florida was turning out just right! :)
My daughter ended up meeting a really nice guy soon after we moved here. They began "dating" by talking, text messaging, and spending time together at school events. Every now and then, his parents drop him off at our house for a "date"--completely supervised, of course! They order pizza, watch movies, and hang out in the living room--I usually watch the movies with them! :) They have attended a few school dances together...and they have enjoyed being together during school field trips, too. They are both freshmen in high school so the level of seriousness is debatable, but they have been "dating" for several months now. I am not sure if they will continue to be "high school sweethearts" or if they will eventually date other people, but for now, it is a good situation. On the one hand, I thought that "dating around" and not getting serious with just one person was a good idea--but on the other hand, my daughter seems very happy and her boyfriend really is a nice person who respects her. I just know that serious issues CAN come up when you get too serious too soon---and I am hoping to avoid that situation. For now, my daughter has lots of new friends and a very nice boyfriend--I'd say that things are going very well for her! :)
My son took a little longer to get fully adjusted to his new environment, but it all eventually worked out. He made some friends here early on by joining several extracurricular activities and clubs at his new school. At one point, I noticed a really sweet girl that he seemed to be hanging around quite a bit at club meetings and events. I think they started out as friends through club activities, and things slowly evolved from there. A few months ago, he started referring to her as his girlfriend and they began seeing each other more and more. Now they are definitely a couple and they really seem to care a lot about each other. Even though they are almost the same age, their birthdays fall on different sides of the cut-off date way back when they started school...because of that, my son is a junior and his girlfriend is a senior. I can see this lasting all school year, but I am not sure what will happen when his girlfriend's graduation date arrives. Yes, they are approximately the same age, but post-graduate plans may take her in a different direction. She may not want to hang around the high school for an extra year while waiting for him to graduate. For now, she is talking about attending a local college. Not moving away next year may help keep them together...OR she could still decide that dating someone still in high school once she has moved on is not for her. Only time will tell...for now, my son is very happy and he is dating a very sweet girl who I really like, too. The potential for a serious relationship is definitely there even though I wish they would slow down a bit and NOT get so serious just yet. But I know that MY opinion doesn't count much in these situations--especially not with two people who are nearing their 18th birthdays and full legal adulthood. I am just glad to see my son happy! :)
Life has been extremely busy for us and I have neglected this poor blog--but hey: we are SO happy to be living in Florida after trying to move for so long!! It was a gradual move and it took us a while to completely settle in, but we began the transition in March 2009. We are nearing our first year as Floridians, and we absolutely LOVE it here! My two teenagers have settled into their new schools, made new friends, and found new love, too! Believe it or not, the reality of moving has turned out to be about as good as we had dreamed it would be. There are still a few details here and there that need to be ironed out completely, but all-in-all, we are very happy here. I have really enjoyed watching my son and daughter adjust to their new lives in Florida...moving with teenagers turned out to be a wonderful decision! Everything worked out just fine! :)